QIC:  Short Sale
Without being in tune with the ER Q schedule, this morning was a surprise to everyone including the QIC.

YHC has a friend from Chattanooga named Steam Engine. 🚂
Quick story about SE;
He is a bad man…..with quads like steel barrels. He lives his life inspired by the movie “Miracle” where in 1980 the underdog, US Hockey Team defeated the four time defending gold medalists, Soviet Union in the Olympics.

There is a quote in that movie;
“The legs feed the wolves gentlemen.”

Indeed they do.

This morning the wolves were fed.

It went like this:

-1 lap old ER
-partner up
Round 1
-cumulative 500 squats. 1 partner runs up first floor of parking deck across and back while 2nd partner squats until 500 is reached. Plank for 6, 10 count.
Round 2
-cumulative 300 lunges. 1 partner back pedals across parking lot, up hill to parking deck and back while 2nd partner lunges until 300 is reached. Plank for 6, 10 count.
Round 3
-cumulative 100 burpees. 1 partner sprint “no sprinting happening here” across parking lot, Bear 🐻 crawl between pole and staircase, run “walk” up stairs and back  while 2nd partner does burpees until 100 is reached.

Most finished, headed back to flag at 6:13.

Prayer requests

I will be liken to the rain drop which washes away the mountain;
the ant who devours a tiger;
the star which brightens the earth.
I will persist until I succeed.
~ OG Mandino
Like water that splits stone; all great things take persistence.
Surround yourself with like minded men. Decide what it is you want to accomplish an get started.

YHC hasn’t written a backblast in a while.
Thanks for each one of you men that show up and inspire each other and myself.
There isn’t a doubt in my mind that after years of posting at this F3 stuff that I would have NEVER stayed on this path by myself. Each one of you are “crazy as shit.”
-crazy for waking up so early
-crazy for choosing hard over easy
-crazy for deciding to do something about your health. (Physical and mental)
-crazy for the CSAUP events.
-crazy for all the miles you run.
-crazy for keeping at it for YEARS.
-crazy for inspiring other men in other towns. Granite Falls, Taylorsville, Newton, Lenoir, Mt View, …Hildebran.
I’ve seen so many men come to life after posting to this crazy. I’ve seen so many men give it away to the next guy. Because crazy is inspiring and crazy persistent men become leaders.
This world could use more crazy.
Thanks for feeding the wolves with me this morning you crazy bastards.



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