QIC:  Cousin Eddie

Can I sue someone for Adult ADD?  Apparently sitting in front of a screen all day isn’t good for a brain.  Sometimes I can’t get my thoughts out of me brain.  Especially at 5:30 in the am.  Sorry fellas, it’s not you it’s…squirrel…..me.  I also think that having an AO right beside a minor highway does – squirrel – something to my thoughts as well.  I seem to get the Brain Farts real hard in the GFs.  But don’t stop inviting me to Q up there.  I enjoy seeing you folk too much.

ADD Example A:  No disclaimer given.  Dang.

ADD Example B:  I couldn’t remember what an incline merkin was called.  Re-read that if you need to.  I was staring at the curb and wanted to call IM, but the words just weren’t there.  Yikes, someone take me out back and just end this, ok?

Rest of the thang:

Warmups.  Standard, plus a Jane Fonda.  I enjoy those.

Quick Mosey.  As in a 20 step mosey just past the very dangerous road with the blind spot to the other end of the parking lot.  One squat (I think I called lunges first, but starting doing Squats – Example C) per parking spot, cross the Street of Doom, then do one merkin per parking spot.

Mosey to the field next to the post office.  At the bottom corner, sprint to Corner A for 20 Hand Release merkins, sprint to Corner B for 20 more, go to Corner C for 20, Corner D for 20.  Plank for the six.

Repeat Corners but let’s do Squats.  Plank for the six.

Lunge Walk 1/2 way up hill, run to bottom, 5 burpees, bear crawl back up, plank for the six.  Repeat but start where we are (1/2 way up) so that we finish at the top of the hill.

Asked Deuce if he had any favorite exercises that he misses from his previous AO’s in the Land of Bankers and Khakis (Charlotte).  I knew he did, but also knew that he may need a minute or two to think it over so we mosey’d to the block pile.

20 curls IC

10 overhead press IC

10 goblet squats IC

Passed it on to 2.  We did a short mosey to the parking lot of the Shave Ice joint.  8 each of 4 x 4’s was the call.  They sucked.  It’s a burpee w/ 4 merkins and 4 plank jacks in the middle.  I’ll have to use those at Expresso next week for my 5th year F3birthday.  Then he called J-Lo’s.  For the Hickory people, these are what Retread likes to use:  it’s a low plank and you rock your hips left and right in cadence.  2 topped his mini-Q with some Carolina Dry Docks.  Thank you sir for not only filling a bit of time, but also giving my brain an extra second or two to get the cobwebs out.

Unfortunately, the cobwebs foiled my original plan (yes, I did plan a workout last night…Example D), but we still had some time left for some fun.  Pick a partner.  Run in opposite directions around a parking lot.  When you meet at the top, give me 10 partner derkins and 5 burpees.  2 laps.  2, not Deuce…Squirrel…unfortunately for Kleenex, he was my partner.  It’s all relative, but he thinks my legs were heavy.  I wanted to ask if he’s ever partnered up with Publix.  That dude has mahogany logs for legs.

Last call was for a lunge walk indian run.  Went over like a terd in a punch bowl.  It was like herding cats.  We looked like a soup sandwich.  I emplored for the ‘runner’ to just do a faster lunge walk than the rest of us.  Nope.  Pure mutiny.  Asked for Twig to give me some cadence calls.  We’re moving too slow he says.  Ok, screw it.  Let’s abort the LWIR and just mosey.  By the time we got up to speed for Twig to call his famous Drill Sargent Cadence, we got to a house that has previously complained about us being too loud….yet they live on a friggin highway.  Oh the irony.  I suppose it’s an old dude that yells at those dang passing cars for being noisy too eh?  Whatever.  Soup Sandwich mode in full effect.  Make it back to the shovel flag at 5:15. (6:15, example E)

WOD, annoucements, etc.

Enjoyed it fellas.

  • Deuce isn’t technically from Charlotte, but I don’t think he’s far from it.  Wherever it was, respect to him for making it up to God’s Country and leaving the Land of Bankers and People from Ohio.
    • I took off Land of Khakis because I sport them too
    • Ohioans are good folk too, but just in small doses.
    • the last time I publicly called out folks from Charlotte, I got blocked on the twitters.
    • Don’t block me no mo
  • Turd Herder not only posted, but he rolled up dirty on a Yamaha.  Good to see you fella.
  • Udder Butter and I always seem to enjoy discussing our shared pains of being a Wolfpack fan.  The bonding between 2 State fans is unlike any other.  When you haven’t flown a new banner since ’87, the sting is real.
  • Couple new faces out there.  Glad to meet yall.
  • Seriously Kleenex, don’t ever partner up w/ Publix without an RSVP to your local chiropractor first.
  • Target and I had a good chuckle about a common friend who posted yesterday at The Tower and got the name Prairie Dog.  Ask either one of us how he got it, it’s just funny.
  • I got a little sappy during WOD, but I think that’s just what happens when you get older.  I do love all you men.  I love what you do for yourselves, your family, kids, community, and F3.  It’s simply amazing.  Keep pushing the rock.

C Ed



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