QIC:  Cousin Eddie

Weather:  Not hot, but humid


Warmups. Standard issue with a little flair.  We got into the mood with a little Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass “Spanish Flea” playing in the background.  Most mock that song, but deep down they like it.

Mosey 1/2 lap around parking lot.

1 merkin per parking spot to the shovel flag.

1 squat per parking spot back to the other side of PL.

Karoke back to shovel flag.  Grab a block, head to foosball field.  At the bottom of the hill, you know what to do….drop your block and give me a Crawl Bear up that nasty hill.  Now go back and grab your block, head to the end zone.

200 yard sprint.

Partner up.  Each team gets one block and one double brick thing (thanks Bing).  P1 does overhead press w/ double brick thing to the 50 yd line and back, P2 does block burpees until P1 returns.  Flip/flop.  Repeat x2.

P1:  skull crushers/P2:  curls.  Repeat x2

Lunge walk across foosball field to the 50yard line.  Stop every 10 yards and do 5 star jumps.  Plank for the six.  Errbody planks for a minute or so.  Conversation started by Kapo about State and probation during the plank.  Something about how we’re getting the death penalty.  Wouldn’t be surprised at this point.  If there’s one thing that State is really terrible at, it’s cheating.  We should take notes from Carolina.  That’s one thing that they completely excel in….bunch of damn turd burglers.

Continue the lunge walk/star jumps to the other end zone, meet me in the corner.  Here’s where the extreme belly aching started.

25 Hand release merkins in each corner of the end zone.  Share in carrying a bag of sand while you mosey to each corner of the foosball field.

Asked Beaker to call an exercise.  In my mind, it was going to be the next exercise that we did in the 4 corner pattern.  Dude said burpees.  Eddie aint got time for that so we called the traditional 2 OYO burpees.

Then Ed asked Marvin to call an exercise.  Dude said merkins.  Damn!  Shoulders were already killing me, so I needed some time to think about my next plan.  To kill a bit of time and get covered in grass, a Tunnel of Love was called.  I really enjoy these.  Something about getting dirty is just fun.

After that was over, I told Marvin that he had 2 seconds to come up with another exercise if he wanted.  He did not.  20 merkins in each corner.  Made it through 2 corners before I had to call an audible and go with 20 squats in the last 2 corners.

Now another favorite of mine.  This is a good way to test one’s true personality.  The call is for one person to call an exercise that everyone else does while you do what the Q calls.  In this case it was modified for team work as well.  The personality test comes into play because the other rule is that an exercise can not be repeated once it’s been called.  Do you call a terrible exercise that you do not want to do or do you call an easy exercise and try to start a trend of everyone else calling something easy?  Let your personality shine.

1 team called an exercise for the rest while they carried their blocks down to the 50 yard line, did 2 burpees and moseyed back w/ their blocks.

Beaker’s team called goblet squats.  He let us off easy. He’s nice.

Doughboy (I’m on his team) called sitting overhead presses.  DB channeling his inner dick.

Pumpernickle’s team called Bonnie Blairs w/ block overhead.  See above.

Marvin with the Dick Move of the Year.  Dude called 25 yard wheelbarrows.  He’s ready to Q something, someone get that man on a schedule somewhere.

Grab your blocks and head to the bottom of the hill.  Bear crawl up hill w/ your block.

Still had about 30 seconds left, so we did some American Hammers.

COT, prayer, etc

Bonus material:

  • there are 2 guarantees in life.  1:  taxes  2:  Doughboy, Beaker, and Tooth Fairy will be at Whipping Stick on Saturdays.  Kudos to these fellas for keeping the torch lit out there.  There have been ebbs and flows w/ the Original AO over our 5 years of existence and these guys have been an example of never quitting on an idea, even when some dumbasses (YHC) have wanted to do other things w/ this AO.
  • that being said, there are times where Doubeakairy do forget that workouts are supposed to push yourself and have been known to belly ache about a difficult workout.  Sometimes.
  • (The Mount’s) Swanson is becoming a Saturday regular.  Dude apparently commutes from California.  Or at the very least he has a CA license plate.  Need the back story on that.
  • Kapo with the Saturday post.  Great to see him out there.  He likes the Personality Test exercise too.  Also glad he let Beaker call his team’s exercise.
  • Pump has a tattoo on his right thigh.  He said that he wanted to get a tramp stamp, but Marvin talked him into putting it where it is so he could rest his head on it during nap time.
    • Too much info?
      • Nah
  • Speaking of Marvin, he has a fantastic story from his football days.  He can magically turn his football pants from gold to brown simply by relaxing a stomach muscle or two.  I’ll let him finish the rest of that story, it’s worth the ask if you have a few minutes.
  • As I’m typing this, little bits of dried dead grass are all over my desk.  There is something about coming home dirty from a workout that I enjoy.  Satisfies some tribal instinct or something?
  • Glad to be back at WS.  It really does have a good vibe to it.  There’s just something about the cut of it’s gib that gives off a good feeling.  You’re not in a rush to get to work.  You can play Herb Albert during warmups.  We would love to see you out there soon.
  • It may just earn you a free Bacon, Egg, and Cheese.

Always, always, always a pleasure.

Blessed to call you guys brothers.

If you didn’t post, you were missed.


C Ed


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