QIC:  Babyface

YHC pulled up to Prison Break with a few minutes to spare this AM to find Bizmark and Swinger laying on the ground, in the dark, stretching out. I hopped out and began my laps around the parking lot to try to wake up my knees (getting old is the worst!). Real soon we had the rest of the crew roll in and we got down to it….

Warmup (x10, IC)

  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Imperial Storm Troopers
  • Abe Vigodas
  • Humpies
  • Arm Circles (forward & reverse)

Merkins (x10, IC, SLOW)

Curb Crawl

  • Bear crawl from one curb to the other, perform 1 derkin, crab walk or lunge walk back, 2 derkins, back to bear crawl and then 3 derkins, continue on until 10

Bolt 45s

  • Colt 45s except with squats, top, bottom and then full; all with blocks
  • Then a round of Colt 45s


Broken Wheelbarrow

  • Wheelbarrow workout, but only hold one leg. Down 4 parking spots. Switch spots with partner and then come back. 2 rotations to get both legs a workout


Ring of Fire

  • high knees while going around the circle yelling FIRE. Drop down, roll once, merkin, roll back, back up to high knees.
  • 2 full cycles of this



  • Curls
  • Squats
  • Overhead Press
  • Bench Press
  • Skull Crushers

FALCON (x10, IC, R&R)

  • Freddie Mercuries
  • American Hammers
  • LBCs
  • Crunchy Frogs
  • Oblique crunches
  • Ninja rolls

COT – YHC has recently started a new bible study at my church. The topic is the bible and what it means and how to use it. I realized I have a lot to learn! I challenged the PAX to head out into the world and strive to be better. Take a new class or bible study. Challenge yourself to not get complacent. Learn more so that you can be better!!!

Prayers – Goodwill’s 2.0

Moleskin –

  • Seriously, getting old sucks! After a shortened run at Stargate, my legs felt like garbage this AM. 10 years ago this injury would’ve been nothing. Thanks for pushing me this AM PAX.
  • Did I hear Goodwill ask to mosey?!?!
  • PBR is a beast when it comes to burnouts….but do not sleep on Bizmark.
  • Audit should never HC again. It’s a bad omen.
  • Impressed by everyone’s knowledge of song titles with the word FIRE. And thanks to Swinger for a future workout idea…(FIREBALL)

A special word here: Tomorrow, YHC will be moving down to the Granite Falls area and I will be switching my primary AO to GF as well. But first, I cannot thank you guys of Lenoir enough for being there for me and my family over the last 2 and half years. At first, I thought this was just some workout group with a bunch of nuts who liked to work out way too early. But after last year, I know God directed me to you guys for the support we needed for Captain’s cancer treaments. Some of those workouts last summer were keeping me going more than you will ever know. Thanks for being there and thanks for keeping it light-hearted through it all.(#TWSS #RunningIsLife #F34L #Hashtags)


Babyface out!


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