QIC:  Banjo

Everyone changes their mind but I changed the whole workout during the warm up. I’m sure it happens all the time.

One Hurler morning our stage hand Mercedes led us down Dudley Shoals road for a complete workout while stopping all each “pole” for an exercise, so we dubbed it the Emerson’s.

This hill is .04 mile long and has 14 poles to stop at. At SoCal it happened like this:

  • Lunge walk down with 10 Merkins at ea. pole = .04 mile lunge walk and 140 Merkins
  • Bear crawl back up between every other set of poles with 5 Burpos at ea pole= .02 mile bear crawl and 70 burpos
  • 10 count Asheville abs to finish it up



Lift high the cross, the love of Christ proclaim
till all the world adore his sacred name.

1. Come, Christians, follow where the Master trod,
our King victorious, Christ the Son of God.

2. Led on their way by this triumphant sign,
the hosts of God in conquering ranks combine.

3. Each newborn servant of the Crucified
bears on the brow the seal of him who died.

4. O Lord, once lifted on the glorious tree,
your death has brought us life eternally.

5. So shall our song of triumph ever be:
praise to the Crucified for victory!

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