QIC:  Cousin Eddie

2 years ago, the AO known as Organ Grinder was born.  Like all other newborns, it was ugly, needed a lot of attention, and required cleaning every time you visited it.  In fact, I’m pretty sure it remains as the only AO to have it’s blocks stolen from it.  Wait, nevermind.  Sorry Mt. View, I guess you’re in elite company, eh?

Fast forward to the present day and enter my man Flex Seal as the new Site Q there.  Now OG is squeaky clean.  Instead of glistening with stale beer, the parking lot now glistens from sheer cleanliness.  Flex Seal goes out there with one of those floor buffers that looks like a Zamboni at least 2x/week.  And I swear I saw a bluebird sitting on Flex’s shoulder as he was whistling back to his truck one bright morn.  Attendance has been strong there despite the fact that it’s on the same day as Arrow, the region’s running AO.  And in case you haven’t noticed, we a bunch of runners.

Despite all of these upgrades, there are still a scant few folk that Won’t do the OG.  Well, ole Cousin Eddie has a solution for them.  We’ll bring the OG to them.  Give em a lil taste.  Set the hooks.  Next thing you know, they’ll be beggin’ for OG two, three times a week.

Back to Howitzer.  Just a couple warmups, then a lap around the parking lot to the lineup.

1 minute AMRAP Circuits, followed by 20 seconds of getting ready for the next exercise.  Like this:

Battle rope

Russian Twists w/ block

Lunge w/ (2) 25 # kettles

Trusters…yes trusters.  Definitely not Thrusters w/ Hot Dog shaped Sand Bag

Hand Release Merkins.  No coupon.

Sprints.  No coupon

Bear Crawl w/ block

Kettle Bell swing.  With Kettle bells, of course.

Dead Lift w/ KBells

Bench Press w/ tire (thanks neighbor)

Jump Rope with jump rope

Curls w/ block

Squat w/ 50# sand bag

Burpees w/ tiny medicine ball.

Star Jump

Overhead Press w/ block

Farmer’s Carry w/ buckets holding 5 gallons Hydraulic Oil…at least that’s what the label says.

Did this until time was called.  Everyone did all ‘stations’, plus roughly another 1/2 round.  This was dedicated to all my non running homies out there.

And if you liked it, lemme tell you:  OG is for you son.  Go post there.

WOD:  Tried to focus on 2 points:  Give it Away/Live 3rd.

Don’t forget, someone invited you to F3.  Now it’s up to you to continue that tradition and bring some fresh blood.  I love seeing all of you guys and your ugly mugs, but I also love to see other ugly mugs out there.  Bring em!!!

For the Live 3rd part, this was to remind you that we need to live 3rd.  Put others before you.  You’re not first, you’re 3rd.  At least.  Hell, I’m 5th at my own house.


21!  Holy crap, that’s awesome.  Love see all yall!

I really enjoyed the break from all the running.  Hope you did.

Instead of making yall count reps, I decided to use the tibata method in hopes that there would be some good mumblechatter.  There wasn’t.  At least down on my end.  Quiet as church mice around this joint.

Herniator bailed and went for a run instead.  Or maybe he had to go receive a new BRR download?

In related news, I downloaded before I got there this am.

OG is palatial compared to what it once was.  The original parking lot where we met looked like a scene from the Walking Dead.

Wonder if I should tell Flex Seal that it’s HOWITZER not HOWLITZER.  Ain’t no Teen Wolf up in here son.

$1 says he’s scrolling though Slack trying to find where he used Howlitzer.

Answer:  about 2000 times boss man

Sorry, not sorry.




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