QIC:  Powder

So I threw out a challenge to the HKY Region last Friday at RAM. “If there are at least 5 FNGs or Kotters at my Q new week at Howitzer, I will jump in the fountain in front of City Hall.” I then went and placed this on Slack as well as the Twitterverse. PAX from across the region seemed pretty excited. Then somehow me jumping in the fountain turned into my challenge OR 35 PAX show up for the workout…. I was not ready to accept that yet but I thought that it could be good too. So as I try to decide what to do for my workout, I knew I wanted to do something different. Then on Saturday the wife, kids and I were downtown Hickory at the Lowes Park (Howitzer AO) and I see the artistic ceramic wheel and a light bulb goes off. THE WHEEL OF HOW!!!!

Warm up– All IC X 15

ATT, Humpies, Arm Circles (HasBeen was there and his babymakers NEVER get old HAHA), SSH, Plank Jacks

Mosey around the block stopping at THE WHEEL OF HOW:

The Thang

The double wheel has two turning wheels that I placed numbers on one and exercises on the other. The numbers included 5, 10, 10, 20, 20, 50 and the exercises were Squats, Burpees, Curls, Overhead Press, Merkins, Lunges, Bench Press and Kettle Bell Swings. PAX took turn spinning THE WHEEL OF HOW to see what exercise you would do along with how many. Then P1 would run to the end of the parking lot to find a block ((Shout out to The Mount for bringing some blocks to Howitzer)) to do the exercise while P2 did ab work back at the wheel.

FLAP JACK then the next group would spin the wheel. I know that we did not get through all the partners but we did spin the wheel a good bit. I don’t remember all of the outcomes THE WHEEL OF HOW but I know we did all of the exercises except lunges with a few of them more than once.

*I know this was a little off but I appreciate you guys sticking with me*


WOD: “Continuous effort- not strength nor intelligence is key to unlocking our potential.” Winston Chruchill


After the COT and the WOD those who wanted to see Powder’s super good tan get wet jogged over to City Hall. Although the challenge was not met, 28 men came out in force from different parts of the Region for a good day. As we moseyed over I was doing my best to convince the PAX that the Nantan of the Region (Cuz) should have to do it with me. All agreed but Cuz was keeping it close to the vest whether he was taking a dip. As I shed my shoes and shirt Cuz walked along the wall and then…. fell backwards (on purpose) into the fountain HAHA. It was awesome, what a good leader we have!

Thank you all for coming out from all across the Region. Make sure to keep trying to get FNGs and Kotters out.



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