QIC:  Friar, Spokes, Twin

This is what the HIM’s of F3 Lenoir can do when the AO Master Q is on the family vaca and the scheduled Q is on IR…it’s a quasi-committee Q.  Here is how it shook out.

The Nantan of F3 Lenoir, Friar, got us started with a few items of disclaimer and went through the details of what a F3 workout is all about (you know, we count in cadence and do oddly named exercises that really make sense if you think about it; a side straddle hop makes more sense than a jumping jack) as there were two FNG’s in the midst.   Friar led the PAX in the proverbial SSH’s then moved to the Windmill.  Of course the PAX wanted a demo of each exercise (said to be for the FNG’s) and Friar obliged wonderfully.  Next up it was time for some High Knees.  These were of completed at a much faster pace than when Friar Q’d this past Tuesday.  The final warm up exercise was real crowd pleaser and left the PAX wondering what it really accomplished other than to loosen the deltoids…Wonder Bra’s.  While I can’t remember the cadence total of each one I know they were completed in some variation of a multiple of five.

Next up the Q baton was passed to YHC (Spokes).  I called for the PAX to tighten up the circle, yeah some thought we were going to pull out Cousin Eddie’s group squat…you had to have been there.   I thought we would loosen up the quads a bit.  And for those that had not completed a Ring of Fire in a while it was of course inclusive of tons of mumble chatter.  Each PAX held the Monkey Humper position while one-by one the other PAX would complete 10 Monkey Humpers.

We moseyed to the covered walkway and everyone got into the peoples chair for a wall sit.  We completed Muhammad Ali’s (15 IC), Joe Frazier’s (20 IC), Bus Drivers (10 IC).  Next up was time to do some Dirty Hookups and conclude with Australian Merkins.  Both were completed at 10 in cadence.

We moseyed to the stadium stairs and completed 20 steps ups (10 each leg), Incline Merkin (10 IC) and Incline Wide-Arm Merkin (10IC).  The baton was passed to Twin…

We moseyed around the track and completed the back stretch 100m’s with Bernie Sanders.  Twin led us to the Bus Parking Lot where we Bear Crawled down one side of the bus then Crab Walked along the other side.  This was completed between a row of four buses.

Twin happened to grab a Frisbee from his trunk when we left the AO…thus a game of ultimate frisbee was on the agenda at some point.  The PAX were led from the Bus Parking lot on a mosey to the WLMS field where we played Ultimate Frisbee.  We played to five with my team coming away with only 2 points but we were able to see some real great feats of height and finesse of throw.

Twin led us back to the AO where the Nantan once again took to the stump and shared the COT.  Friar has been reading “Freed to Lead: F3 and the Unshackling of the Modern-Day Warrior” a book written by David Redding and Tim Whitmire the founders of F3 (Dredd & OBT).  Friar shared a bit of the foundations of what F3 is about.  Men’s lives are compared to a bowling ball.  A bowling ball in a closet is useless and doesn’t serve its intended purpose unless it is brought out.  The three F’s stand for Fitness, Fellowship & Faith.  Additionally, like a bowling ball, we have holes (sometimes more than the three in a bowling ball) in our lives that cannot be filled by other people or things.  We need to have a relationship in a shield lock style where we can trust and hold each other accountable.  Many times this goes further out than our spouse and our kids.  Our group is a testament to that as we stood by and supported Babyface and his family as they battled through Captain’s cancer, lifting up our brothers in need with death in their families, surrounding our brothers as they are going through tough times with employment and the list goes on.  That’s what F3 is all about.

We called each of the FNG’s to that awkward “center of the circle” so they could give us the dirt to give them a name.  Man, we stink at this!  However it was great to welcome Special K and Puck to F3.  Finally time for the nam-o-rama and then Friar closed in prayer.


It was great to see Nutmeg and Wile E back out with us.  Please don’t be strangers as we have other workouts throughout the week.

Audit, Friar and I completed the five-day challenge…whew, I’m spent with too many late nights and early mornings.  However I guess you really can’t call it a challenge if we really didn’t set out to make it one…it just happened!  Great job men.

Grout, like several others of us, was visibly showing signs of soreness as a result of Cousin Eddie’s beatdown from the Regional Convergence on Thursday.

Hanger, Snips, Swinger and I showed for some Extra Credit.  Good 5K pre-run to get the heart rate warmed up.  It seems that Swinger found a nickel on the route and decided to throw into the center with Friar as he was leading the COT…an offering perhaps or maybe the change from his down painment?


Friar, Twin & Spokes Out





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