QIC:  Powder

Felt like I have not Qd in forever so I was excited about this morning.


ATT, Windmill, Humpies, Smurf Jacks (All IC X15)

Mosey around the block of St. Lukes and head to block pile

The Thang

Partner up and grab 2 bricks. Rule for the morning, if your bricks are put on the ground it is 5 burpees for the PAX.

P1 AMRAP exercise P2 run to end of parking lot and 5 star jumps (flap jack)

Round 1= curls for the girls, R2= Arm Extensions, R3= Skull Crushers

Plank for the 6. With partner and bricks do clap merkins (at end of each merkin pass the bricks back and forth) 10 reps OYO. *This was a crowd favorite of the morning* When we were finished I saw that Sheamus had left his bricks on the asphalt so… 5 burpees.

Same deal as before but this time P2 does 10 squats at end of parking lot

R1= Hallelujah lunges, R2=  flys on your 6, R3= Overhead press

Plank for the 6. Shoulder taps with bricks passing the bricks back and forth between partners.

Mosey to Tunnel of Love at Corinth but not before TF went and shook the porta potty that Cuz was occupying.

Wall sits with bricks. Overhead press IC X 10 then pass to partner. Muhammad Ali IC X 10 pass to Partner. This is where I had to place my bricks down as the odd man out because Cuz Eddie disappeared so I partnered up with Root. Well my bricks didn’t hit the ground so… 5 burpees.

Put bricks away and head to St. Lukes breezeway.

5 Pull-ups OYO, Incline Merkins IC X10, Step ups IC X20, Bear Crawl half way around the square.

5 Pull-ups OYO, Decline Merkins IC X10, Tricep Dips IC X10, Crab Walk 1/3 way around the square.

Finish up with some Mary: 6″, Asheville Abs, LBCs, WWII situps



James 1:19-20



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