QIC:  Flamer

Great group of 16 men this morning at ER!

Shotgun start!  I think I started 1 min early (sorry Hot Lips, no watch this morning)

Mosey to bottom of the ramp of the Concrete Beast.  Run all the way to the top up the ramps with 5 merkins at each corner (10 per level)

Warmup at the top of the deck; Humpys, IST, and Windmills

Mosey to the middle of the top deck for a spoke:

5 Burpees (at the top center of the deck)

Run down the stairs to the bottom for each exercise and back up for 5 more burpees each time; exercises were 20 Lunges, 25 IST, 30 Merkins, 30 Plankjacks…and I think a few guys (overachievers) did squats.

Partner up: Partner 1 does exercise while partner 2 runs down 1 level for first round then 2, then 3, then 4.  The exercises were Bear Crawls, Duck Walks, Crawl Bears, Broad jumps

Mosey down 1 level for abs: LBC’s, Flutter kicks, Asheville Abs

Mosey to the bottom for one last catch me if you can. Partner 1 runs backwards up the ramp, while Partner 2 does 5 merkins and then catches Partner 1 and they switch.

Mosey back to the flag for COT


Be better tomorrow than you are today!  Our time is limited, are you using it to make a maximum impact at work, with your friends, your family.  Always continue to grow and learn and be better everyday!

Pleasure to lead you men!  Gotta go to scorching hot Phoenix for the week! Flamer out!





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