QIC:  Powder

Jordache is on the IR with some sort flesh eating bacteria that has started in his elbow and the doctor soon thinks it will move to his hair (those beautiful locks). No I’m just kidding, but with Jordache on the IR I decided we could do a joint Q. What happened was I ended up taking over…. Sorry PAX.

Warmup- ATT, Humpies, Windmill, IST, Smurf Jacks (All IC X15)

Mosey to hill beside court house for some partner work.

P1 run to top of hill 10 squats, P2 AMRAP wide arm merkins (flap jack)

P1 run to top of hill 10 squats, P2 AMRAP diamond merkins (flap jack)

P1 run to top of hill 10 Big Boy situps, P2 AMRAP lunges (flap jack)

P1 run to top of hill 10 Big Boy situps, P2 AMRAP hand release merkins (flap jack)

P1 run to top of hill 5 star jumps, P2 AMRAP mtn climbers (flap jack)

P1 run to top of hill 5 star jumps, P2 AMRAP plank jacks (flap jack)

Mosey to rock pile for: Curls IC X20, Overhead press IC X10, Bench press IC X 20, Goblet squats IC X10

Mosey back to flag for everyone to call out one exercise of Mary… Lets see if I remember (Rosliettas, Freddy Mercury, Box cutters, low plank 1min, Flutter kicks, well close enough)


WOD: Be a good neighbor! I have a good one, I came home from vacation last week expecting a tree to still be sitting on my power line but my good neighbor (who shall remain nameless) had taken the time out of his day to cut it up, limb it up and take a good portion up to the street. This was without me asking and him just taking the initiative to help us out. My wife and I lucked out when moving to Hickory to have landed on the street we did with, as my neighbor would say, “them good peps”. Go out today and be a good neighbor, friend and man to the people around you.




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