QIC:  Sheamus

YHC didn’t realize he had the Q until getting dressed for Howitzer. I figured it out on the drive in…

SSH, ATT, IST, Humpties, etc.
I’ve noticed that Publix really likes to call people out on form during warmups. I like it. I’ll try to get my arms above my head for SSH’s next time.

Mosey to ER AO.
2 laps of old ER.
Lots of mumblechatter about doing this yesterday. I’m checking with HBC about a CSAUP point for each of you.

Mosey to bottom of parking lot across from City Hall.
Partner BLIMPS. Partner 1 runs to top and does 10 count of abs of his choice. Partner 2 completes BLIMPS at the bottom.
I removed the B from BLIMPS because we were going to run short on time, and I’m sure Jordache has a Q soon where we’ll do some form of burpees the entire time. I want to be well rested for that.

Mosey back to the flag for 1 minute plank workout.

WOD: Be present for your shorties.

A father is to his children as the needle point of a compass is to the pencil. As they grow, the arc of their lives is naturally drawn further and further away from the center. The HIM founds his point in deep and solid rock, knowing this will ensure that the progressively enlarging circles his children draw will remain true. Even after he has left the Earth his children will rely throughout their lives upon him as the centering anchor empowering them to move boldly without fear of being cast loose from Virtue.

The HIM’s unwavering sacrifice for his children allows them the freedom to grow into the men and women they were created to be. He bears this in mind in all his works and efforts.

For them, he sacrifices everything.

Good luck to Goodwill and Squints on your 1/2 this weekend. I’m getting a carrier pigeon ready for some nice letters of inspiration to Squints if anyone wants to add anything.

I’m glad Ferdinand keeps coming back. He doesn’t say much, but I like that dude.

Kapowski was late this morning and set a new record for furthest parking spot to the flag.

Cousin Eddie seems to miss a lot of my workouts. I’m not going to act like it doesn’t hurt.

Sheamus out.




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