QIC:  Cousin Eddie

I dare someone to challenge the statement in the title.  Premier this, premier that, Run around L-R and Hickory High.  Run a Lap around Hickory….now run it counterclockwise.  Counterclockwise you say?? Whoa!  Hang on a minute Mr. Did you receive a PhD in Creativity or sumpin?

Naw, I can’t hate on the Arrowers especially since I’m running that junk about 70% of the time.  In fact, I probably just should have run today due to impending 50K in 10 days.  It’s just that I feel all enlightened and junk when I post at OG.  The air is better up there.  Note:  elevation at OG – 12,000.  Elevation at Arrow:  0.  You can feel the ocean breeze through your hair.  It’s a place where eagles soar.  Heck, we even have an OG Flag now.  and it’s on the Twitters.  Et tu Arrow?  Nope.

There was a run to the pre-run.  Was supposed to cover 4 miles before but I can’t add miles + time it would take to get to OG apparently so I had to cut it short.  As a result Your Boy had to run down Geitner Road to meet up with Patty at 4:56.  Note:  this is not recommended.  Even at 4:45, that road is super sketch and not safe.  Won’t do that again.  Anyway, got close to OG at 4:55 and saw a dude running laps around the parking lot.  I yelled something semi-obscene to him thinking that it was Patty.  It wasn’t.  Sorry Park Walker Guy.  In fact, PM was late.  Wait, there he is.  Peeling in at 5:00.  Route was quickly discussed and tackled.  Greenway/Greenway, should give us 3 miles.  Bam.  Saw 2 deer on the way.  We figured that they came up to the trail to see my really creepy glow worm vest thing.  Arrived w/ 3 minutes to spare and saw a boatload of cars waiting for us (an OG boatload is 4, by the way).

1 minute called.  Holy crap, it’s another car.  The one and only Jordache.  Holy crap, has he been to this joint before?  To what do we owe the honor, Jordy?  “I slept in and missed Arrow”.  Seems legit.

Warmups.  IC

Mosey to the paved circle down near the newer, much more sanitary bathrooms.  Exercise was to call your least favorite exercise and let the other pax do that while you run to the top of the small hill and do 5 squats, come back and let another pax call something:

Sink hole:  burpees

Patty Mayo:  high knees

C Ed:  Seal burpees

Plank:  star jumps

Flex Seal:  WW2’s

Jordache:  ?  drawing a blank..sorry boss.  (note to self:  was it that easy?  Well, it was Jordy)

Stay where you at.  Patty, call it.  PM:  what?  CEd:  You know.  PM:  Yep.  How many?  CEd:  10.  Errbody knows what it is right,   Asheville Abs, of course.  Dang those suck.

Meet me at the bottom of the grassy hill for a ladder.  1 Hand Release Merkin at bottom, backwards Bear Crawl (officially called Crawl Bears) to the top, 5 HR Merkins.  Ladder that junk until you do 5 HRM and 1 HRM at the top.  Lots of grunting and moaning.  Got all muddy and nasty too.  Me likey.

Mosey to the Rusty, Nasty Stairs via the back way around the baseball fields.  Flex helped me navigate around the rocks, guy wires, and various and sundry items**.  Thanks Flex.  1 squat per step.  Plank for the six.  Back down stairs.  1 merkin per stair, plank for the six.  Unless you’re Patty then you pull that “I gotta roll” business.  We’re on to you man.  Chalk up one Flaming Humpduster for PM.  Again.

Indian Run to Burke Co. for 10 Burke Co Burpees.  Note:  these are the same as Catawba Co/Alex Co/Caldwell Co burpees except that they are exclusively performed in Burke Co.

Mosey to the bottom of the paved hill and partner up.  P1 runs backwards up hill.  P2 does 5 HR merkins and catches P1, flippy flop and repeat until you get to the corner.  Mosey to the orange and white road block jimmies for decline merkins x10 IC and incline merkins x10 IC.  Mosey back to flag for Mary.

Flutter kicks

Russian Twists

Rotate w/ the Pax calling:

Flex Seal:  LBC

Jordache:  Box Cutters

Sink Hole:  Merkins 10 OYO

Plank:  some type of V Up.  Odd name though.  Good stuff.

WOD, prayer, out.  Be on the lookout for a pre-blast from me about a fund raiser soon.  I have been inspired by our Raleigh brothers and want to see if we can’t do something similar.  Holla if you have any ideas.  It’s going to be CSAUP’y, so get creative.  IE:  Relay run up Hibriten Mtn for 24 hours….something along those lines.

Naked Man Moleskin:

Lots of fun today.  Come try OG out sometime.  It really is a great AO w/ tons to offer there.  The options there are endless.  Really:  swing sets, big ole hills, trail run, dip in the lake, play Frogger on 321, sketchy vacant parking lots.

Thanks to all that posted.  I had a blast w/ you fellas.

* today’s workout was completely unscripted.   I rarely do this and never recommend it, but since I had just Q’d at ER 2 days ago, I was fairly confident that I could come up with something worthy of these men.  I did know that we were going to use those nasty stairs, some grassy hills, and some paved hills.

**an old boss of mine used to say Various and Sundry all the time.  I couldn’t stand that pencil necked tool and I hated that term.  That was 19 years ago and I still hate that term and think of his little pencil neck everytime I hear it.  Had breath that cold knock a dog off of a gut truck too.  Wherever you are, Pencil Neck (good FNG name, by the way) I hope you’re finally using Listerine.


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