QIC:  Cousin Eddie

Yesterday on the Twitters, I mentioned that today’s workout would be a celebration of Festivus, featuring feats of strength, an aluminum pole, and – everyone’s favorite – airing of grievances.  Well, only one of those things ha happened, and I didn’t bring an aluminum pole w/ me so you can guess what it was.

Conditions:  Cloudy.  Impending pain forthcoming.  Extra gloomy.  Very F3Nationy.  Very ripe for some selfies…which don’t happen in the presence of such greatness as the Men of Expresso.  Can you imagine Squints trying to take a dang selfie?


Warmups:  2 burpees OYO, 2 burpees OYO, mosey, 2 more B OYO.  Then…the all glorious Group Squat.  Dammit, I love this move.  It’s CSAUP for sure.  Wonder if we got any points for doing that this am?  What says you Powder?  Speaking of which, I needs to know the rules for the 2019 CSAUP Challenge please.  $1 says that I gets nones for my upcoming 50K.  Assuming of course that I’m still alive after said 50K.

Mosey via Native American Run to the ultra exclusive Bushwood Country Club grounds.  Bottom of the hill at old number 8, specifically.  Partner up and carry your partner up the hill….here come the questions.  Just like a bunch of 8 year olds:

  • which tree?
  • where do we stop?
  • what does my partner do?
  • where do I pick him up?

Anyway, at the top of the hill give me 20 hand release merkins.  Run to the bottom of the hill.  20 more HR merkins.

Backwards bear crawl up hill

15 diamond merkins at the top and bottom

Broad jump burpees to the top

partner up.  P1 runs backwards up hill  P2 exercises, catches his P1, switch

Hill was a bit too short, so this one fumbled.  Move to Old # 9 and do this:
P2:  plank jacks, catch your P1

then 5 burpees and catch your P1

mosey to giant hill near the pool.  Backwards bear crawl 1/2 way up.  Regular bear crawl for the other 1/2’ish.  wall sits for the six.

Decline merkins IC

Incline merkins IC

Mosey via Indian Run to other hill closer to Corinth.  5 squats at the bottom, 5 at the top.  Repeat x3.

Mosey to where the blocks are hidden.  Find a pard.

100 team curls

200 team bench press


WOD:  google the poem that Bear Bryant carried with him.  It’s good stuff. Don’t waste your days boys, could be gone tomorrow.

Continued prayers for the family of Ethan and Flamer’s dad.

Random stuff goes here:

  • Although there was no airing of grievances, there was a lot of belly aching about not airing grievances.  I find this slightly ironic.
  • I wore my Jay Brown is my Home Boy shirt today (which is a new favorite), so today’s workout is brought to you by Jay Brown Real Estates…that boy can flat sell him a house.  Ya hear?
  • 2018, like so many others, has been a fine year for C Ed.  Still healthy, great wife, kids are all good, haven’t been kicked out of F3.  All in all, I got no need for some Airing.
  • F3 Highlights include:  shit ton of back blasts.  Made me a shovel flag.  Ran some races.  Did me some push ups.
  • Let’s keep the foot on the pedal boys.  Can’t let this thing stagnate.  Keep it fresh, exciting, fun.
  • Keep pushing yourself.  My company has instilled a philosophy called Kaizen.  It means to never settle.  Always push forward towards continuous improvement.
  • F3 needs to use the same approach.  Get out there and find the next FNG.  They’re waiting for us.





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