QIC:  Markup

7 pax took off from LRU and covered about 3 miles and several shared a gift.  That gift was a 60 pound sandbag that we passed around to make our day even better.  We talked about music, events, multiple different topics.  The good thing about rucking is the fellowship occurs and we have a great time.

Unfortunately 1 pax showed up late and tried to find us.  He eventually found us as we were almost done.  I am proud that he rucked by himself for almost an hour instead of just heading back home to go to bed!

Hope to see more people out next week who are interested and want to try out rucking.



But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you mat declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

1 Peter 2:9


As you go about your day, be a light and an encouragement to those you come in act with as you go about.

Prayer Request:

Taz – nephew has Bells Palsy

Markup – wife’s uncle back in hospital with complications


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