QIC:  Powder

I am writing this backblast because that is what PAX are supposed to do after a workout but… I am also writing this backblast because the PAX (who shall remain nameless) who has been telling everyone to write BB is also the man telling me how bad his state team will beat the MIGHTY CLEMSON TIGERS. So this is me getting in his head once again this week! Ok onto the workout


Warm up- ATT, Arm Circles, Windmills, SSH (all IC X15)

Mosey to short wall. Tricep Dips IC X15, Incline Merkins IC X15, Stepups IC X15

Mosey to FBC, Partner up and Grab a block

P1 run to bottom of hill and do 10 monkey humpers while P2 does exercise with block. Flap Jack

Exercises (AMRAP) Curls, Bench Press, Jump Overs, Goblet Squat & Kettle Bell Swings

When both PAX get back LBCs for the 6. Before starting the next exercise all PAX do 1 min low plank.

Mosey back to the Flag


WOD: Psalm 5:3




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