QIC:  Cousin Eddie

Weather:  It’s getting there.  Almost time for Phlegm and Powder to hand over their 6 packs to Cousin Eddie.  Sorry, my bad, I meant time for P and P to start donning long sleeves.

Thang:  No warmups today boys.  Grab a block.

W/ block, run the old ER w/ the 5 stops subbing in 20 curls and 20 v ups instead of merkins/LBCs.  After one lap, drop your block, and give me an old ER lap w/ 20 reps merkins/LBCs.

Then we focus on one important thing:  don’t watch another man workout.  So while the fast dudes are done w/ these 2 laps, they did a set of 50 American Hammers and 50 bench press until the 6 showed up.  Once that happened, we picked up our blocks and moseyed to the bottom of hospital hill.  From there, let’s do BLIMPS.  Starting w/ 10 burpees at the bottom of HH, 15 Lunges/Leg at the stoplight, 20 ISS at the top of the stairs, 25 Merkins at the bottom, 30 P’s at the top of the 2nd stairs, 35 S’s at the bottom of 2nd stairs, drop your block at the start of ER, and give me one more lap of Old ER w/ 19 reps.  That’s it.  Time was up.

WOD:  We all know the 5 core principals of F3: always free, open to all men, always outside, peer lead, and workouts end in a circle of trust.  But there are also a few Credo’s that F3 Nation lives by:

Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you found him

Never watch another man workout*

Finally, F3 is not ours to keep.  We need to give it away.  This is what we focused on today.  Someone invited you to F3.  Someone gave you F3.  Why not do the same?  Bring an FNG.  Invite someone who hasn’t posted in a while.  Do not give up on a good old fashioned EH.  Keep it up, men.

Verse:  Luke 3:10-11 “What should we do then” the crowd asked.  John answered, “Anyone who has 2 shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”

* this may have been just an Abraham credo.  Either way, I like it.

Naked Man Moleskin:

  • great crowd of dudes this am.  enjoyed sweating w/ you all
  • I wore my oldest F3 Hickory shirt by design.  October marks my 4th anniversary w/ F3 Hickory.  It truly has been life changing.  F3, not the shirt that is. Speaking of that shirt, it smells like death.  Funny thing is, I can’t bring myself to throw it away.  It means too much to me.
  • Speaking of smelling like death, someone else was as ripe as a petunia.  The stairwells smelled like a high school locker room.
  • Not only did we have the ER shovel flag this am, but we had 2 others as well.  Howitzer’s was there as well as my generic one that I made so that we’d at least have a flag to plant.  Looked like a dang convergence out there.
  • See yall soon




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