QIC:  Doughboy

9 PAX showed up on a warm, muggy Tuesday morning to get better.

It went something like this.

Warm-up (in cadence, 12 reps)



Imperial Storm Troopers

Forward Arm Circles

Reverse Arm Circles


and last but not least, it wouldn’t be a F3 workout if there weren’t any burpees.  5 Burpees OYO.

Now that was done, we moseyed to the best block coupons in Hickory.  Each PAX grabbed one and headed to the top of the Walgreens hill/drive for Super 21’s.  They’re not that super!

At the top of the hill for counts 1 – 15 we did Curls for the Girlz and counts 16 -21 for Overhead Presses.  At the bottom of the hill for counts 1 – 15 we did Squats and counts 16 – 21 for Merkins.

For anyone interested, it was 120 reps of Curls for the Girlz and Squats and 111 reps for Overhead Presses and Merkins.  Glad that was over.  Seeing as we were pushing 6:15 when most of the PAX finished the workout, we put up our blocks and returned to the flag.


Want to Get Stronger?

They committed themselves
to the teaching of the apostles, the life together,
the common meal, and the prayers—Acts 2:42

Want to get stronger? Want to be tougher? Get connected. When we face trials and challenges, those to whom we’re connected can support us—help us find courage we’d not find on our own. When we experience pain and loss, they can comfort us—help us back from places we’d not return from, on our own. When we’re hit by fear and anxiety, they can give us perspective—help us see things in ways we’d not see on our own. When we need truth, they can teach us—help us discover and understand what we we’d not grasp on our own. When we get stuck, they can call us out, speak truth, push us forward—help us stop (or start) what we’d be unable to, on our own. When we face complicated questions, they can listen and counsel us—help us process through problems that are too difficult on our own. When we mess up, make mistakes, they can correct us and have mercy—help remind us we’re loved, despite flaws and failures, something that’s hard to remember on our own.

Let’s use F3 to build real relationships, not just superficial relationships. and support each other.



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