QIC:  Cousin Eddie

I’m a simple man.  I enjoy stupid stuff.  I like the way horse poop smells.  I like how a skunk smells from afar.  I recently purchased a FM/AM radio from a thrift shop so I can listen to the radio b/c I enjoy the thrill of tuning in a radio station manually.  And I definitely like a good stupid exercise.  Read below for more.

Weather:  Perfect.  60’ish….about one degree away from Powder, TF, and Phlegm all having to wear long sleeves and roughly 10 degrees away from Powder having to don that stupid baklava thing.  Seriously dude, you ain’t no ninja.



SSH x 15IC

ATT x 15IC

Squats x 15IC  (nuts below knees boys….I may have messed that sentence up while calling cadence)

Here comes the stupid exercise.  First of all, form a circle.  Everyone has to tighten up and tighten up good. Tighten up some more.  More, damn you.  Now grab the waist of the dude in front of you.  Squats in cadence.  X5 or so before I had to call it quits and chaos ensued.  Man, that was fun.  Abe, if there’s any chance that you’re reading this I promise you that when I come to Manning to Q, I’m going to make your boys do this with me.

Now time to partner up, grab a block and meet up in the Viewmont parking lot.

Here are the exercises:

15 jump over block burpees

50 team hand release merkins

50 curls

broad jump up and back.  roughly 15 yards

14 JOB burpees

50 goblet squats

50 leg raises w/ block overhead.  Think reverse WW2’s w/ a block

Broad jump

13 JOB burpees

50 overhead presses

20 pull ups

Broad jumps


100 bench press

50 leg raises

Broad Jump


50 HR Merkins

50 Curls

Broad jumps

10 burpees

50 curls

50 kettle bells

broad jump

Take your block back home and circle up for 1 minute of american hammers.

COT:  Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus

Notes to Self:

  • Welcome FNG Corky.  Hope to see you out in the gloom some more.
  • Ditto for Picasso.  Glad you found us, brother.
  • Bring a friend too.
  • Pretty sure that I’ve only Q’d twice (Arrow/Ram excluded) where I haven’t used a block, brick, sand baby, or other implement.  Today was no exception.
  • Humpy’s father in law (?) was in the parking lot with a sweet bass boat.  he was not there to take me fishing.  next time?
  •  Shovel Flag showed up.  This made me quite happy.  Thanks Pub!
  • Always a pleasure to be allowed to lead you gents.
  • this here is a backblast.  Some call it a backsplash.  Either way please do your part and write yours.  YOU ARE NOT THAT IMPORTANT/BUSY/COOL, etc to self excuse yourself from writing this.  This took me 15 minutes.  Put down your phone and write one.  COME ON




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