QIC:  Doughboy

The weather was perfect for this morning’s workout at OG – cool, low humidity, and a slight breeze.

With the Bear tomorrow, I decided to take it easy for the workout and have a little fun with the guys this morning.  It went like this:

Warm-Up (all in cadence)

SSH x 15

Little Arm Circles x 15

ATT x 15

Humpy’s x 15

We moseyed to the playground area for a pull-up, bear crawl, merkin ladder.

5 pull-ups, bear crawl half the basketball court, 1 merkin, bear crawl back.  4 pull-ups, bear crawl, 2 merkins, bear crawl back, and so on.  Then the fun starts.  We played 3 on 3 basketball with the extra person doing some ab exercise during the game.  Whenever a team scores, the opposing team has to do 3 burpees.  To keep the games moving, we only played to 3.  Extra man took 2 off losing team and played the winning team.  All had a good time playing basketball.

Shout out to Daewoo, Has Been, and Patti Mayo for going 3 -1.  The rest of us finally put together a team to beat them in the last game.


Asking for help Stinks.

God opposes the proud,
but gives grace to the humble—James 4:6
So, carrying burdens is something for which we are built . . . and something which we are supposed to do, as men. God designed us, built us, intends us—to lend our strength to others, to those who need it. “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2). The problem is, most of us read Scripture one way only: that we are to carry burdens for others. Few read it the other way: that we must allow others to carry our burdens too. We don’t really like that reading. That reading causes our pride to rise up.

Like it or not, though, any one of us can carry only so much. Sure, we can “gut it out” with burdens that are too heavy . . . for a while, at least. Before long, however, they begin to grind us down. Anger, anxiety, burnout, depression and despondency, isolation and loneliness, or rebellion and sin emerge . . . simply because we’re neither designed, nor built, nor intended to carry our burdens alone. “One’s pride will bring him low” (Proverbs 29:23).
Okay, so what do we do?

Is there something you’re carrying that’s feeling too heavy? The burden of being a provider? Fears about finances . . . about work? The burden of children living up to expectations, in school, in athletics? A hidden sin? A hidden addiction? Another burden, perhaps?

If so, look around for that person with whom God intends you to share it . . . your friend, your wife. Go to them today. Die to pride. Let them in. Explain the situation and let them respond. Fulfilling the law of Christ also means that we must, sometimes, surrender our pride, surrender the images we have of ourselves, get over ourselves, and ask for help. We are meant to live free and fast and light . . . and together.

Enjoyed the Q at OG and working out with the guys from The Mount.

Hope all you F3 Hickory region guys do great with the Bear tomorrow!


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