QIC:  Taz

YHC knew that quite a few of the normal Whipping Stick PAX would be running up Hibriten Mountain so he was unsure if there would be anyone left to post at Hickory’s best Saturday morning AO. He was all alone in the parking lot when a white truck pulled up and Doughboy popped out. Then there were two. No one else showed, so we got to work. Here’s how it went down:

SSH x20
ATT x15
Windmill x15
IST x15
Plank Jacks x15
High Knees x15
Butt Kicks x15

25 Burpees
50 Overhead Claps
100 Merkins
100 Big Boy Sit-ups
150 Squats

Mosey to Mt Olive:
Incline Merkins x10
Tri-cep Dips x10
Derkins x10

Mosey back to where flag is supposed to be – long way around Mt. Olive and down the street towards the construction area:

6 Minutes of Mary:
Crunch x15
Heel Touch x10
Dolly x10
Rosalita (High Dolly) x10
Dying Cockroach x10
Flutter Kick x10
Freddie Mercuries x10
Russian Twist x10
Reverse Crunch x10

John 15:5
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

It was great to be back at F3 Hickory’s original AO, but a little sad that the majority of our PAX were not there. But super happy Doughboy showed up to keep me accountable and provided great 2nd-F throughout the beatdown.
Best wishes to all our PAX running The Bear this week. Good luck!

PS…the weather was PERFECT today!

Taz out.


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