QIC:  2 Ply

7 PAX posted on this 72 degree warm, muggy morning.

Warm-ups x 15 reps

  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Little arm circles
  • Abe Vigodas
  • Humpies
  • Imperial Storm Troopers
  • Alternating Toe Touches

After warm-ups, PAX moseyed to front parking lot of Granite Falls Middle School.  This is the location where F3 Granite Falls will paint the rock on 6/30/18.

Merkin ladder went down like this:

  • 15 Merkins followed by running ~40 yards, then
  • 14 Merkins followed by running back to start, then
  • 13 Merkins…..worked our way down to 1 Merkin with a 40 yd. run each time

This totaled 120 Merkins

After completing the Merkin Ladder, we moseyed to the block pile where each PAX grabbed a coupon. YHC stated what we say in our Churches that 20% of people perform 80% of the work.  YHC decided we needed to follow that path with the blocks.

YHC picked 4 exercises & we performed 20 reps each or 80 reps total.  The exercises chosen were:

  • Block Bench Press
  • Curls for girls
  • Standing block shoulder presses
  • Bent over rows

YHC decided that 120 Merkin reps were not enough & we finished off with 20 more “block” Merkins.  After completing this, the coupons were put up & we moseyed back to the flag.



Ephesians 6:4 – Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

YHC advised that Paul is quite clear about who he says should have the responsibility of training our children – MEN.  When we teach our kids, what is the best way to do this?  Looked @ Deuteronomy 6:7 – (paraphrased) – teach them when you talk, when you sit down, when you walk, when you lie down, when you get up.  In other words, teach them AT ALL TIMES.

YHC stated this is what F3 is about. Raising up men to be the leaders in their homes, churches and in their work.

PRAYER REQUESTS & COT with YHC leading us in prayer


YHC is still having some issues with bilateral knees, but always enjoys a good F3 workout.  I’ll pay for it later, but it feels good for the short term.  We experienced numerous of our PAX heading to F3 The Mount to take back the Ghost Flag or our numbers posted would have been double digits.  I really think they were afraid of this “Old Man”.  LOL!!!

Thanks to the regulars for coming out & it was a pleasure meeting some or our newer younger PAX.  Hang in there, you will get better & we will get better “together”.

Pleasure leading these men of Granite Falls again.

2 Ply out!!








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