QIC:  Powder

What a turn out for Espresso! 18 PAX showed up and showed out. After prerunning with SP and Retread and seeing the crowd I started to get worried we were not going to have enough coupons. That is a problem I like to have and a problem that ended up not being a problem. I also had the pleasure of meeting a few new PAX- Dory (visiting from Asheville and 1st PAX I’ve met older than Squints), Molasses, Goose and Papa Frita (3 new PAX that showed up Thursday after 1st posting on Tuesday at Howitzer) Great to have you guys and hope to see you again!

Warm up- SSH, ATT, Humpies, Windmill & IST

Grab a partner, a block and a set of bricks then mosey to the front of Corinth.

P1 would run circle of Corinth while P2 did exercise then switch. Do the 3 exercises in rep then wall sit for the 6. 1st exercise was with bricks, the second was with a block and third was abs.

Round 1- Arm Circle, Curls, Freddy Mercury

Round 2- Overhead press, bench press, flutter kicks

Round 3- Arm Extensions, kettle bell, American hammer

Round 4- Halleluiah lunges, Burpees, WWII

Round 5- did not have enough time

Mosey back to the flag.

It was a great morning with good fellowship, new faces, and as always a good sweat. I always love seeing FNGs come back and I hope they continue to post.

“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” Abraham Lincoln



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