QIC:  Suppository

Conditions: 127% Humidity and Moist

Warm Up:

SSH x12 IC

ATT x12 IC

Humpty’s x12 IC


Partner Up and head to the Courtyard for 9 Innings. Each team kept count of their own score and it went like this:

1st Inning:

2 minutes of Pull Up/ Chin Ups OYO AMRAP

Partner combined reps <50= 1 run, if 50 or over= 2 runs

2nd Inning:

2 minutes Decline Merkins OYO AMRAP

<60 reps= 1 run, 60 or over= 2 runs

-Mosey to Viewmont Elementary track

3rd Inning:

2 minutes Swerkins AMRAP. 1 partner did swerkins, other did LBC’s

<50 reps= 1 run, 50 or over= 2 runs

4th Inning:

5 minutes of running track in opposite direction of partner, when you meet do 5 merkins. Each time you meet= 1 run

5th Inning:

2 minutes Squat Jumps OYO AMRAP

50-75 reps= 1 run, 76-100 reps= 2 runs, 101 and over= 3 runs

-Mosey to Corinth blocks

6th Inning:

2 minutes Curls to Overhead Press AMRAP. Handed off when tired to partner

75-100 reps= 1 run, 101-125= 2 runs, 126 and over= 3 runs

7th Inning:

2 minutes Bench Press OYO AMRAP

75-100 reps= 1 run, 101-125= 2 runs, 126 and over= 3 runs

8th Inning:

2 minutes Big Boy/ WWII/WWI/Korea/Vietnam Sit ups OYO AMRAP

<80 reps= 1 run, 80-100 = 2 runs, >100 = 3 runs*

9th Inning:

2 minutes Burpees OYO AMRAP

<40 reps= 0 runs, 40-50 reps = 1 run, >50 reps= 2 runs

Put blocks up, mosey back for Retread’s 30 seconds of American Hammers.


The Christian Paradox.

When we are suffering, look to focus on others who we can help and we will be blessed by lifting them up, listening, and sharing their burdens.

Right before the WOD my phone died, so had to keep it brief. Had a good time this morning, thanks for playing along!

Winner? We were all winners, at least that’s what one of the Millennials (Sheamus?) told me. As for the runs, I had to make some of the scoring up as we moved along so consider this just a scrimmage…







How you’ve been Crop


and Cuz


and Abe?




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