QIC:  Powder

So I found out last week when the Q schedule came out that there was a Saturday workout and apparently I had the Q. So after much debate and wrestling with Cuz Eddie about trying to pass it off on someone else, I decided that I would take it to the gloom. (Sidenote- I waited outside of Cuz’s house to give him a ride and he was a no show till half way through the SSH. His excuse “I wanted to make you sweat that I wasn’t coming”…. LAME)

Warm Up- SSH, ATT, Humpies & Windmill (All IC X 20)

Mosey around down the hill, around a trailer and end back at stairs for Calf Raises IC X10 /leg. Mosey to my car to find cement blocks waiting, grab a bock and head to the soccer field. My plan was that we were going to partner up and make it a little longer but since we had the exact number of blocks = PAX it was perfect.

The Thang-

Crab Walk out to 1/4 of field, jog back, 2 burpees, 50 bench press

Bear Crawl out, jog back, 2 burpees, 25 overhead press

Plank for the 6, run across field

Mary- LBCs, RBCs, 1 min low plank

Lunges out, jog back, 2 burpees, 50 curls

Broad Jumps out,  jog back, 2 burpees, 25 kettle bell swings

Plank for the 6, run across the field

Mary- Box cutters, Vups, 1 min low plank

High Knees out, jog back, 2 burpees, 25 squats

Backward Run, jog back, 2 burpees, 25 Tricep Ext

Plank for 6, run across the field

Mary- Rosilitas, Dolly, 1 min low plank

Mosey back to stairs for Calf Raises 10 X /leg

Back to Car to grab Bricks

Arm Extension X20, run across field, 5 star jumps w/ brick, run back, 2 brick burpees,

Overhead Press X20, run across field, 5 star jumps, run back, 2 brick burpees,


There might have been a few more exercises in there that I am forgetting but it very much had an order and followed A certain type rotation. (Joke for those who were there, which none will probably read this backblast besides Cuz). I had a great time on this Cinco de Mayo Saturday which had a very fun and relaxing feel. Getting up and enjoying a morning exercising with friends is always worth it….

That is a maybe for SATURDAYS




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