QIC:  Plank

YHC has been absent from posting at #Copperhead Creek for a couple of reasons,…. Turkey Season, Soccer Games, running around Huntersville all night with Markup…. Anyway, finally it was my time to post back at #Copperhead Creek in Tville with some pretty dedicated men.   When i arrived it was good seeing 3-Dog, The Dude, Pedro Martini and Power Band ready to do some work.  I had a burning question in mind that i wanted them to give me there honest answers.

Why do you guys F3?

Needless to say i am glad i asked that question, here are some of the responses.  3-Dog ” Why not there is nothing else better to do”  “Here to get in shape”, The Dude ” Honestly I wanted to sleep in, I have had about 4 hours of sleep in the last 36 with my work schedule, but i knew Plank was on Q and i have not worked out with him in a long time so i drug myself out of bed and drove from Claremont to post”  Pedro Martini “I want to push myself and challenge myself that way when the throws of life get tough, i know i can handle it, i also want to be a positive role model for my boys, that is why i bring them on Sat morning, so when they get older they will remember there dad taking time with them and including them in morning workouts”.

This is a snapshot of what just some of the men are saying, Why do you F3?  For me is a little more of mix of both, F3 is a challenge to endure some of the workouts that i would just not do otherwise, F3 is a bond of men that don’t cut each other down, but rather build each other up, i really want to see these men get better, stronger, faster…F3 to me is not singular, it is truly a way for men to step out and get better, through tough workouts and tighter relationships.  That is why I F3…

Now for the workout…

COP – no flag, 3-Dog drove his wife’s car.

  • SSH – 20
  • ATT – 20
  • Windmills – 10
  • Humpys – 15
  • Squats – 15
  • High Knees – 10

1 lap around the 3/8 track, back to the Coupons in Pedro’s truck

Block Web, 1 Block Merkin – 10 Block OH Press, 1 lap around the 3/8 mile track ( also 1 PAX had to carry the 30lbs ruck sack for one lap, Plank on the rucksack for this one)

Ab Web, 1 Flutter- 10 LBC, 1 lap around the 3/8 mile track, 3 Dog on Rucksack

Block Web, 1 Curls for Girls – 10 Gobblin Squat, 1 lap around the 3/8 mile track, The Dude on Rucksack

Ab Web, 1 Low Dolly – 10 Crossfit Sit Ups, 1 lap around the 3/8 mile track, Pedro Martini and Power Band on Rucksack.

Done, name a rama, count off, and announcements.

WOD   Acts 22: 2-3

And when they heard that he spake in the Hebrew tongue to them, they kept the more silence: and he saith,)

3I am verily a man which am a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, yet brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers, and was zealous toward God, as ye all are this day.

Be trained so that you may be a mentor…

It was an honor….


Plank out..





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