QIC:  Powder

It was good getting up and meeting the men of F3 Hickory at the corner this morning for some pain. It has been awhile since YHC has had the Q at ER and to by perfectly honest YHC has been a little scarce this last couple of weeks on Mondays. So as I sat down to come up with the Q I thought what have we not done lately…. Stairs. When that was brought up before we took off one of the PAX pointed out that it might have been because YHC had not been there, haha good point but too late the winkie was already written.

Warm Up-

SSH, ATT, Imperial Storm Troopers, Humpys (All IC X15)

The Thang-

Mosey around the block to the concrete monster

20 Lunges @ top of stairs and 20 Squats at the bottom of stairs X 2 rounds

Wall Sits with Overhead Press

20 Plank Jacks @ top and 20 Merkins at bottom X 2 rounds

Round of Mary (Pretzels, LBCs, Freddy Mercury, flutter kicks and 1 min low plank)

20 Star Jumps @ top and 20 Monkey Humpers @ bottom X 2 rounds

Wall Sits

20 Overhead Press @ top and 20 Hand Release merkins @ bottom X 2 rounds

Round of Mary (Pretzels, LBCs, Freddy Mercury, flutter kicks and 1 min low plank)


WOD: Proverbs 15:1 A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.



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