QIC:  Cousin Eddie

Happy Birthday, F3Hickory.  I didn’t meet you when you were born, but I did meet you when you were still in diapers.  Still wet behind the ears and cute with 2 little ole AO’s.  Yep, it was just good ole Expresso and Whipping Stick.  (Right?  I’m almost positive that those were the only 2 AO’s when I started.)  If we wanted to write a backblast we had to contact some dude in Statesville to get added to the F3 site.  And he was slower to respond than pond water too.  Sending in your 99 cent CD order to K-Tel was a quicker process.

Anyway….look at you now.  In 4 short years, you have changed the lives of men.  Lots of them too.  We now are a full-blown region with 27 AO’s in 7 cities:  Hickory, Mountain View, Granite, Lenoir, Taylorsville, Conover, and Valdese.  That’s pretty darn incredible.  Everyone should be proud of this accomplishment.

Ok, enough of that for now.

Conditions:  just a shade chilly, but still tolerable in shorts.

Sidenote:  There must have been a polar vortex up in Granite Falls this am because in the video that they posted, those dudes were bundled up like Sir Edmund Hillary on the South Col.  Come on GF dudes, have a little self respect up there and embrace the chill.


Flag and pax start at Viewmont.

Standard issue:  Welcome, disclaimer, SSH, ISS, ATT (yes, we still do the welcome, etc in the HKY.  We’re just proper like that.  We mostly still write backblasts too, but hey I guess our momma’s taught us to do as we’re asked to do).

Monkey Humpers

Jane Fondas


On to a tunnel of love

Warm Up lap around the track

Next for a Spoke.  You’ve done these.  They’re fun:

10 burpees to start, then choose between one of the following.  Do work, then return to the middle for 10 more burpees each time.

Little Sand Baby Bear Crawl back to the flag.  Or from the flag back to the pile depending on when you start.

Windshield Wipers x20

Russian Twist w/ Bing Blocks x20

Block Curls x 30

Finish in the middle w/ 10 burpees

Partner up and grab a LSB.  Line up facing each other across from the field at Viewmont.

P1 starts w/ LSB bear crawl

P2 starts w/ reverse bear crawl

Switch when you meet in the middle

Spoke 2:

15 Hand Release Merkins in the middle


LSB Thrusters x 20

Juanitas x20

Skull Crushers w/ B Bricks x20

Kettle Bells w/ Blocks x 20

3 minutes left – fast mosey to the low wall at Viewmont.  Step ups x 10, tricep dips x 20, fast mosey back to circle.  Done and done.

WOD – I wrote a little diddy about my F3 experience.  Here are two of my favorite lines:

“In that first workout picture, some of those dudes had donned F3 shirts,

In ole Crop’s underwear, I’m sure there was a load of Hershey squirts”


“I survived Tooth Fairy’s Q and had to get a new nickname.  Tell about yourself they said,

Well, I piss my pants when I get near a microwave and I gots 2 metal plates in my head”

It’s a pleasure fellas.  Always.

  • I’d like to take a second to recognize my man Taz.  Thanks for posting, brother man.  We love seeing you make the trip across the lake.
  • Fuse, ditto.  Even though you don’t have to travel across a lake, we’re glad that you joined us.
  • Shorty and Doughboy, see above.  To top it off, SS brought a camera crew with him.  Just remember us when you’re famous please?
  • Want to know the cool thing about F3?  It means a lot to a lot of men.  And all in different ways too.  And no matter the reason, we’re all correct.  Use it for a source to get in better shape?  Go for it.  Want to use it as an outlet for socializing over coffee in the am?  Go for it.  Want to grow spiritually?  Go for it.  Want to do all 3?  You guessed it boss, Go For It.
  • Special thanks goes to the men that give away F3 within our community:  Friar, Twig, Udder Butter, Short Sale, The Dude, Turd Herder.  You are all #HIM
  • There’s a quote that I saw somewhere.  It’s very appropriate for what we do and I need to share it:  “There’s gonna be a day when age catches up to me and I won’t be able to go out and run a 10K every week.  Until that day I’m going down swinging.  And I’m taking every chance I have to go out and see what I’m made of.  Cause when the day come when I can’t, I’ll only have the memories and the meager accomplishments I’ve been able to make.  I’ll never be able to back and try harder.  I have to put my stamp on now.”

Ed.  Out.



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