QIC:  Steam Engine

Conditions: Gym short weather at a nice 56 degrees

Disclaimer given: Not a pro, here on your own free will, push yourself but modify if you need to.

Promised the PAX I would go light on the legs due to the P200. Also, beat down was inspired by Has Been and Part I of I Hate Abs.


Forward Little Arm Circles IC 13x

Backward Little Arm Circles IC 13x

Chinook IC 13x

Alternating Toe Touches IC 13x

Humpee IC 13x

Windmill IC 13x

Alternating Shoulder Taps IC 13x

Mountain Climbers IC 13x

Next took a small mosey to the larger parking lot

The Thang:

Wheel Of Merkin up to 3

Asheville Abs

Sprint to lamp post and walk back 8x (PAX were not too happy about these especially after promising to go easy on the legs but we need to get the lungs pumping)

Mosey over to wall & grab a small coupon

Side Raises IC 13x

Front Raises IC 13x

Push Press IC 13x

Dips IC 10x

Rinse & repeat 2x

Mosey to coupon pile & partner up

PAX 1: Farmer carry to light & back

PAX 2: Big Boy sit up AMRAP

Switch out for a total of 10 farmer carries

Block McStuffins IC 15x

Twisting Block Pass OYO 20x

Under Over Block Pass OYO 10x

Mosey back to flag



Being YHC’s 26 birthday we did our traditional birthday merkins.



WOD: John 13:1-17

I enjoy Holy Thursday mass. It might be one of my favorite masses to attend. The gospel reading is of Jesus washing the disciples feet. In this moment Jesus reminds us to humble ourselves and be servant leaders. Being a part of F3 tells us to put ourselves 3rd. We preach reaching out to our respective communities and to make a positive impact. I enjoy working out with a group of men that are servant leaders and always finding opportunists to help others.


Palmetto 2019




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