QIC:  2 Ply

The Thang: 

11 PAX posted on this mild Thursday morning.

Warm-ups – x15 reps in cadence

  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Little arm circles
  • Alternating Toe Touches
  • Merkins
  • Abe Vigodas
  • Imperial Storm Troopers

Moseyed to block pile where we obtained a coupon & proceeded to mosey to Flick Video (well, it used to be Flick Video).  We then got into 1 corner of the parking lot & here is how it went:

  • 10 Block Merkins – moseyed to middle of parking lot – 10 WWII Sit Ups. Moseyed back to get coupons & headed to next corner
  • 20 Curls for Girls, 10 block merkins – moseyed to middle of parking lot – 20 Am. Hammers, 10 WWII Sit ups.
  • YHC decided to break this up a little & we moseyed 1 lap around the building.  Get coupon & head to next corner.  This is where YHC heard some moans when the next exercise was stated
  • 30 Standing Block Shoulder Presses, 20 Curls for Girls, 10 Block Merkins – moseyed to middle & performed 30 LBC’s, 20 Am. Hammers, 10 WWII Sit Ups.  Moseyed back to blocks & headed to next corner.
  • 40 squats, 30 Block Shoulder Presses, 20 Curls for Girls, 10 Block Merkins – moseyed to middle to perform 40 RBC’s, 30 LBC’s, 20 Am. Hammers, 10 WWII Sit ups.
  • Again moseyed 1 lap around building.  Now that we are @ the top of the escalator, we had to work our way back down.
  • 40 squats, 30 block bench presses, 20 curls for girls, 10 Block Merkins – ran to middle & performed 20 LBC’s.
  • Next corner with blocks – 30 Block Bench presses, 20 Curls for Girls, 10 block Merkins – middle performed 20 Am. Hammers
  • Next corner with blocks – 20 Curls for Girls, 10 Block Merkins
  • Next corner – 10 block Merkins

As you can see, YHC had to cut out some of the ab workout due to time constraints

Moseyed back to block pile & then slow mosey back to flag where YHC ran us 2 minutes over.  Sorry guys, NOT!!!!

Count off & name-o-rama


2 Timothy 3: 1-5

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God—having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

We discussed how we are currently seeing this in our society today.  We don’t know when the end of time will come, but it may be closer than we think.  Paraphrase a Franklin Graham statement – Neither the Republics nor Democrats can fix our problems.  Only God is going to be able to do that.  We need to be the example for others in our daily walk.


Today’s exercise was pulled out of the Archive from over a year ago.  It’s always good to keep those handy to use later, especially if they provide a little challenge.  I imagine most of the Pax were challenged today – with the exception of Assid who is a beast.  YHC was sure challenged @ times.  It was great to see Poo-Pourri back with us today.  Guess we didn’t run him off after all since this was only his 2nd workout.  Great job my friend – remember it doesn’t get easier, you just get better.

Today, Granite’s 11 got better together.

Thanks for posting.  Proud of you all.

2 Ply out!!!


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