QIC:  Flamer

So the pax were asking HBC and I how the P200 relay went so we, of course, told them we were the victors!  We explained to them how slow the fast team was and how fun the fun team was.  You know, all the facts!  Relays are really fun except for the running part and the sitting in a van for 30 hours, oh yeah and the running part!

Warm up:  SSH, Humpys, Imperial ST, Slow Merkins IC x15 (Squints had a little trouble with the number 3 this morning-during the IC he kept skipping the number 3 for some reason..1,2,4?  It really through me off!)

The thang:

mosey to Hong Kong Cafe for Wall sits:  Mohammed Ali, Joe Frazier’s, and OP x 15

mosey to playground for Dips and Body rows:  3 did dips while other 3 did body weight rows x 2 and switch the grip

mosey to parking lot and get blocks out of my truck

we did a block ladder:  Block Burpees 5,4,3,2,1 run in between each set to other end of parking lot for LBC’s 20,15,10,5,1; next set was Curls 30,25,20,15,10 and WW2 situps 20,15,10,5,1; last set was Bench Press 30,25,20,15,10 and Flamer situps 10,8,6,4,2 (each leg)

We finished with some Abs: High and Low plank, 6” hold

I warned a few pax that this workout may be a little 🍭 because of how sore I was.  Seriously, 2 days later and I can still barely move my legs.  Somehow I struggled through it!  Thanks for the little push pax!

Until Friday at Ram, Flamer out!




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