QIC:  Cousin Eddie

I remember it like it was yesterday.  This goateed dude w/ a salt and peppered buzz cut rolls down to ER one morning.  He weighed 90 lbs soaking wet and couldn’t do more than 2 merkins without taking a 5 minute break between them.  Yes I’m talking about the self dubbed Angry Preacher we all know better as Friar.  Now look what he done did.  Dude is all swole up, runs all the time, and has successfully planted F3 in Lenoir.  A true ‘Merican success story.  I’m proud of you Fry Daddy, but we need to set the record straight.  There’s only one Angry Preacher my friend and he’s down in BFE, South Carolina.  You were disqualified from any AP classification when we saw you do the Sorority Squat for a selfie at Stargate one morning.  And you had the audacity to smile too.

Weather:  Cold.  Again.  That wet cold too.  The kind that reads 30 something that still do take a bite.  https://youtu.be/UXdTH5RTNSI 


Disclaimer then Warmups.  Standard issue stuff here. ISS/ATT/SSH yada yada

Slow and short mosey to warm up a bit more and also to kill a few seconds while Snips rolls in late and has to catch up.

Reverse bear crawl up a little hill

Mosey to foosball stadium.  Yes foosball, young’ns reference Water Boy, circa 1998.  Before entering stadium, grab my little friends.  They were: 9 little sand babies, 2 blocks w/ cute little handles, and 50 lb plate weight attached to 25 yard rope.  Line up the LSB’s single file and let’s do a warmup lap at the stadium.  Up and down all the stairs is one lap.  So do an exercise and run a lap.  This lasted the entire balance of the workout.  All with LSB’s

Thrusters x25

Bench Press x25

American Hammer x25

Merkin and LSB shuttle x25

Up and Overs x25

Reverse Lunge x 25

Burpee x15

Curls x25

I’m missing one here.  Complete blank x25

Farmer’s carry w/ 2 blocks to 50 yd line and back

Drag 50 lb weight to opposite end zone and back

Long miserable mosey back to the flag.  It was miserable b/c we had to bring the LSB’s and weights back with us.

Circle back up, WOD, prayer and out.

Dear Dairy:

  • Reverse bear crawl don’t need no big hill to make it suck.  In my not so humble opinion, that’s one of the simplest, yet worstest exercise a Q can call.
  • We ran a lot of steps.  Lots.
  • Yes, I’m channelling my inner Uncle Rico here (https://youtu.be/BxN9Mw6iQUs) but I got the idea of running up and down the stairs from my old days of playing high school soccer.  Coach called them Snakes and they sucked.
    • Sidenote:  This took place at what is known as the real HHS.
      • Hickory High School.  Not Hibriten High School.  That’s the fake HHS
    • Records will show that YHC was on the Red Tornadoes roster from ’89-’91
    • Those records will not show that I was an extreme Benchwarmer
      • I was a Slide Tackle Extraordinaire
      • I had to ball boy the 1st half so I could start the 2nd half
      • That’s not fake news
      • This was the JV team too
      • Coach was an asshole
  • The 50 lb weight drag really really sucked.  I honestly thought that I would channel my inner Edwin Moses/Carl Lewis and impress all pax as they watched me.  That was some serious fake news.  I was embarrassingly slow.
    • I channeled my inner Sid Bream (https://youtu.be/FgjIVvEQo_o ) instead
    • for me to realize that I was embarrassingly slow means that I was clearly really slow.
  • There were lots of groaning and moaning when pax were working w/ the LSB’s.  They are a thing of beautiful misery
    • So the feed store that Igloo got the bags from sold me “heavy duty” bags.
      • They all busted after 10 minutes.  That’s not heavy duty
      • LSB’s back on IR for a while
    • It was weird posting at a Saturday AO where we actually can form a circle.  At Whipping Stick, we start to feel like we have a big crowd when we can Square Up instead of Triangle Up.
      • People of Hickory, please post to WS.
  •  This is something that the men of LA should be proud of.  I really am proud of what they have accomplished.  Kudos gents, you have a great crew up there.  Keep it up
  • I am honored that I was asked to Q up there.  The idea of a guest Q should be copied by all AO’s.  Makes for lots of fun and can spread good workout ideas.
  • Happy 1st Birthday Lenoir
  • Ed Out




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