QIC:  Cousin Eddie

Weather:  Foggy, cold, and wet (not what she said)


Beaker, Patty Mayo, and YHC went for a Pre Run that almost turned into a During Run.  We came skidding in at 5:30:01.01.  I had to yell the disclaimer as I waddled in from across Union Square.  No cool down for those running tools.  Straight into some warmups.  Standard issue stuff:  ISS, ATT, etc.

Warmup lap – down the stairs leading to the parking deck, up _____ St (where Hatch is), left back towards the Square, under the bridge, up parking lot, across tracks, and back home.

Unloaded Lil Sand Babies, Bing’s Bricks, and blocks for circuit work.  As follows:

  • farmer’s carry w/ blocks to yonder and back
  • burpees w/ LSB x10
  • Hand Release Merkins x20
  • Dying Cockroach x20/leg
  • Thrusters w/ LSB x20
  • Flutterkicks x20/leg
  • Curls w/ LSB x20
  • Jack Webbs w/ Bing Bricks x5
  • Squat w/ BBricks x20
  • Star Jumps x20

After each exercise, run the same lap as we did in warmups.

Ran slightly over time for my slow butt to finish all exercises.

Circle up, announcements, WOD, prayer

The pleasure was all mine fellas.


  • OG is sketchy, ER has random bowel movements, Expresso has our sweet little cleaning lady, RAM has good views (IE: women’s soccer team), but Howitzer can now claim that we are the only AO where Stripper Glitter can be found.  Check the bottoms of your shoes, I guarantee you’ll find some.  It was all over the pavement in front of that shady joint across from Hatch
  • We covered 3 miles this am.  Good stuff.
  • The LSB’s need some TLC.  Lots of dry rot going on there.  Them.  Not me.  I lube up w/ Body Glide every morning to prevent that.
  • Discovered that Patty’s M didn’t like his 24″ long beard.  Beaker and I were shocked to hear that.  If you believe that we were shocked, I have some beach front property in Cajah’s Mountain for sale I think you’ll be interested in.
  • Skaggs with another posting.  My wish is that this guy keeps on posting.  It seems like we’ve had plenty of folks who will come for several weeks and then drop off the face of the earth:  Brokeback, Tubeless, Stagecoach, Smalls, etc etc.  Stay with it, young fella.  It’ll do a body good.
  • Is Humpy our Pax w/ the most seniority that isn’t a Redwood Original? I think so.  Almost certain that he was around when I started back in October of ’14.  If not, wonder who it is?  Tooth Fairy is up there too.
    • Speaking of Tooth Fairy, he’s super busy getting ready to dance the night away this weekend.  Good luck sir.  When you’re done, can you please start posting again?
    • Also, you have a race to get ready for.  You best be running.
    • A lot
  • Sleeper, see last 2 comments
  • Sheamus has red hair.  So does Jordache’s new 2.3.  Interesting.
  • Bing, start time is 5:30 sharp.  That’s 5 w/ a 30 behind it.
  • Squints, 0% chance you’re reading this
  • Et tu, Crop?

Ed.  He out.


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