Still riding a high from this weekends F3 Hickory 4th anniversary convergence, but knowing that the P200 is just around the corner, the Q decided to put a few extra miles in this morning. Upon arrival he noticed that it was very quiet. Almost too quiet. Then he realized that at least one of his P200 teammates had the same idea. Boom! From the gloom emerged Cuz. Then Cheese and Jordache. We were 4 strong. Lets go!

Conditions: 54F and light rain

The Thang:
Warmup IC
SSH X 20
Hillbilly’s X 20
Horizontal Mountain Climbers X 20

Mosey up to the corner and down to the bottom of hospital hill for Escalator #1
Round 1
1 Burpee, 2 Star Jumps, 3 Merkins, 4 LBC’s, 5 Plank Jacks, run to the top of the hill
Round 2
2 Burpees, 4 Star Jumps, 6 Merkins, 8 LBC’s, 10 Plank Jacks, run to the bottom of the hill
Round 3
3 Burpees, 6 Star Jumps, 9 Merkins, 12 LBC’s, 15 Plank Jacks, run to the top of the hill
Round 4
4 Burpees, 8 Star Jumps, 12 Merkins, 16 LBC’s, 20 Plank Jacks, run to the bottom of the hill
Round 5
5 Burpees, 10 Star Jumps, 15 Merkins, 20 LBC’s, 25 Plank Jacks

10 count then Mosey over to Bass Smith north wall.
Divide into two groups. Group 1, balls to the wall while group 2 runs a lap to light pole 2 and back. Flip Flop and repeat 3X

8 count then Mosey to the south side of Bass Smith, up the hill and to the parking deck entry point for Escalator #2
Partner up. At each level partners combine to perform 3 exercises then run to the next level
Level 1 – Merkins, LBCs, Squats X 10
Level 2 – Merkins, LBCs, Squats X 20
Level 3 – Merkins, LBCs, Squats X 30
Level 4 – Merkins, LBCs, Squats X 40
Level 5 – Merkins, LBCs, Squats X 50

Mosey down to level 1, south stairwell for Mary
Pretzels X 15 (L & R)
V ups X 20
Superman Banana flip flops X 3

1) The 8 count was sung by our man Cheese in scale form. Without a doubt the most beautifully sang 8 count ever.
2) You won’t find a taller/shorter team running in the parking garage than YHC and Cuz.
3) You might find a faster team running in the parking garage than Cheese and Jordache, but I doubt it.
4) Balls to the wall suck. Doing them 3X while your partner runs a lap sucks 3X.
5) Shout out to F3 Twin Cities for escalators. Attending workouts at other AO’s and learning new exercises is one of the many great things about F3 Nation.

Character is important. Character counts. The example we set to others such as our spouses, children, family, friends, and those we work with, is how we will be remembered. YHC shared a couple of quotes on character for the PAX to chew on:

“God builds character in our lives by allowing us to experience situations where we are tempted to do the exact opposite of the character quality. Character development always involves a choice. When we make the right choice, our character grows more like Christ.” – Rick Warren

“A good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you when forget-me-nots have withered. Carve your name on hearts, not on marble.” ― Charles H. Spurgeon

As always, an honor to lead.




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