QIC:  Banjo

YHC had the opportunity to guest Q at the “Organ Grinder”. I knew right away we weren’t running since this is not a running AO. I’m guessing no one told the pre runners. Well, we must get started anyway.

7 PAX started with a little warmup that consisted of SSH, Alt Toe Touch, Humpys, and Windmills. Then moseying down to the old Lowe’s parking lot. Starting on one end off the lot we did Leap Frog Burpees down the lot and Lunge walk/squats back. By the way, the abandoned asphalt there is terrible. You would be surprised at the  traffic in this old abandoned lot, Especially pre 6 am. Some people were just hanging out.  Time to mosey into the light for some Deconstructed Burpees (Squats, Merkins, Leg Thrust), 10-1 in cadence. YHC located a short wall for 3 sets of step ups and tricep dips, 10 each in cadence. Finally to the vertical wall for some wall sits(30ic), Australian Mountain Climbers(10ic), and Itsi Bitsi Spiders(10ic). Now, there is word that Daewoo may have scraped his knee during this, but I saw what happened. Out of no where he yells, “Rock And ROLL”, and slides across the pavement on his knees while playing an air guitar. You should have been there.

‘ COT     from Jesus Calling

Trust and Thankfullness will get you safely through this day. Trust protects you from worrying and obsessing. Thankfulness keeps you from criticizing and complaining: those “sister sins”that so easily entangle you.

Keeping your eyes on Me is the same thing as trusting Me. It is a free choice that you must make thousands of times daily.  The more you choose to trust Me, the easier it becomes. Thought patterns of trust become etched into your brain. Relegate troubles to the periphery of your mind, so that I can be central in your thoughts. Thus you focus on Me, entrusting your concerns into My care.


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