QIC:  Udder Butter

YHC offered to substiQ last minute for Wile-E whom evidently experienced an Acme malfunction while chasing the Road Runner and couldn’t make it.  No problem, I understand.  In fact, I traded my upcoming Stargate Q for an ailment of my own.

An EH FB post about Hemi was sent out and read by 27.  Surely there would be a gaggle of Pax there.  School was out and all the vibes were in my favor.  I checked last pm with our resident Key Master (Paula Deen) to make sure I would have access to the football field.  I put a little bleacher routine together and went to bed, dreaming of sugar plums (not- those sound gross).

I awoke with a start to my snooze alarm which evidently I had already hit 9 minutes earlier.  Checked my constitution and all is a go.  Another cool morning but nothing I haven’t handled many times before.  What am I going to use for COT???  Think, think, think.  Nothing.  Think, think, think.  Ok, what I used for Wednesday’s Slingblade will have to do.  Only Pax that would be at both might be Band Camp.

Wait, what’s this?  A text while at the light to turn in that my Key Master had “technical difficulties” and won’t be there.  5 minutes from start and I need to modify already.  A quick sprint around the AO to relocate my exercises.  Baseball bleachers are too shallow and deep in snow.  Picnic tables will have to do.  Headlights; looks like I at least won’t be flying solo.  Out comes BANDCAMP (of course).  I am happy to see him.  I guess he needed to hear the COT twice this week.  No one else…so here is what we did:

Warmups:  (All x 10 IC)
Little Arm Circles
Plank Jacks
Alt Toe Touches
Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey to picnic tables (all of 12 feet from where we warmed up) -Partner up (Sorry BC, you are stuck with me today)

Cliff Back extensions x20 Single (overhanging back extensions off edge of picnic tables while Pax 2 holds down legs)

Dips- All x 20 4 ct

Leg throw downs x 20 single

Dips- All x 20 4 ct

Wheelbarrows down parking lot (note to Q, don’t call wheelbarrows in GF Middle parking lot- gravel hurts)
Flip for return

Incline merkins x 20 -All

Wheelbarrows down parking lot
Flip for return

Incline merkins x 20 -All

20 squats

20 lunges (10 ea)
20 squats
20 frog jumps
20 squats
20 Monkey Humpers
20 Squats
20 lunges (10 ea)
20 squats
20 frog hops
20 squats
20 Monkey Humpers
20 Squats

Side to side heel touches x 20
Dying cockroaches- same
Rope climbs – same

Added some Band Camp led American hammers x 20 to round out the time.

Mosey to Flag for COT (Wait, we are still there)

Prayer requests:  Josh (homeless GF man) and Kelly Clark (church member who buried husband this week)

Lev 17:10-11  “I will set my face against any Israelite or any foreigner residing among them who eats blood, and I will cut them off from the people.  For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the alter; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.”

John 19:33-34  But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead, they did not break his legs.  Instead, one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water.

Hebrews 13:11-12  The high priest carries the blood of animals into the Most Holy Place as a sin offering, but the bodies are burned outside the camp.  And so Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through his own blood.

I then sang the chorus of “There’s Pow’r in the Blood”

“There is pow’r (there is pow’r), wonder working pow’r

In the blood (in the blood), Of the lamb (of the lamb)

“There is pow’r (there is pow’r), wonder working pow’r

In the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb”

YHC prayed us out





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