QIC:  Sheamus

YHC was tasked with the Q on the morning after the National Championship. After waking up and seeing on the Twitter that the game went into OT, YHC knew the chances of a large PAX were slim. As we gathered around the circle to warm up, we could hear a faint cry/whimper in the distance. No one said it, but we all knew it was Peaches. So in his honor, we started the day…


10 Sad Merkins for Peaches (Normal merkins, but with crying in the distance)
20 SSH
15 Alternating Toe Touches
15 Humpys

The Thang:

Mosey down to the courthouse parking lot for 4 corners.

Corner 1 – 10 Burpees (10×5=50)
Corner 2 – 15 WWII Sit-ups (15×5=75)
Corner 3 – 20 Merkins (20×5=100)
Corner 4 – 25 Squats (25×5=125)
5 Laps  (350 reps)

Mosey to the stairs for calf raises (15 each leg)

Mosey to back to the square for 15 tricep dips

This is the point of the workout where YHC didn’t have any winkie left. Today’s lesson in Q’ing, always prepare way more than you think you need. So the PAX went back to the circle and did 2 rounds of Mary to finish out the day. Freddie Mercury, Asheville Abs, Plank, Box Cutters, Juanitas, etc…

I shared with PAX about how F3 has been making a difference in my life. Shortly after I started F3, my wife and I went through a miscarriage. We both handled it differently, but I had a lot of emotion that I knew I needed to use and work through. F3 gave me a way to do that. When you get out of bed in the morning, sometimes after the 4th alarm (Jordache), you aren’t just getting out of bed for yourself. You are making yourself better, but you are also making everyone around you better as well. I am truly thankful every time I get to workout with you all, and I hope you all know that you are making a difference in not just mine, but in many people’s lives.

Keep Peaches in your thoughts today. If you’re really quiet, you may even be able to hear the crying in the distance.

Yours truly,




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