QIC:  2 Ply

The Thang: 

4 PAX showed up on a cool & wet evening for a block beat down around town.  Guess the rest of Granite Falls was staying warm & dry @ home watching the College National Championship Football game (slackers).

Warm-ups – x15 reps

  • Side straddle hops
  • Little arm circles
  • Alternating Toe Touches
  • Humpies
  • Imperial Storm Troopers

Moseyed to block pile where we each obtained a coupon that would remain with us as we moseyed the streets downtown.  There were 8 stations during our moseying with blocks in tow where we performed the following exercises.

  • Block bench presses
  • Bent over rows
  • Standing shoulder presses
  • Curls for girls
  • Squats

Each was performed single count without a rest with the following reps:

  • Station 1 – 15 reps
  • Station 2 – 14 reps
  • Station 3 – 13 reps
  • Station 4 – 12 reps
  • Station 5 – 11 reps
  • Station 6 – 10 reps
  • Station 7 – 10 reps
  • Station 8 – 15 reps

All total = 100 reps of each exercise.  Paused @ stations 3 & 8 to perform 20 LBC’s & RBC’s – IC



Moseyed back to flag after putting our coupons up.

WOD was replaced by a prayer circle where each PAX prayed about whatever was on their hearts.  F3 Granite Falls is doing this 1x/week, alternating between workout days.  Next prayer circle will be @ Hurler next Tuesday (01/16/18).


Although we had light rain when we started out after having rain for a big part of the day, YHC could hear a little idle chatter about lying down on the wet asphalt for the block bench presses.  Yes it was a little wet, but that didn’t stop the PAX from getting the reps in.

YHC didn’t realize actually how heavy those coupons would get on the mosey back to the block pile, but was sure glad when it was over.  We might have gotten a little wet, but one thing is for sure:  WE GOT A “LOT” BETTER TOGETHER. 

2 Ply out!


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