QIC:  Twig, Udderbutter, Banjo

What a beautiful morning. With the temperature just right, men were enjoying fellowship not even paying attention to the time. Uh, who’s Q is it? Not me. Not me. Not me. It’s Taterhole’s. We missed you this morning. We miss all of the fart sackers as well. Two things are happening, you’re not getting any better and you’re killing your mattress.

Twig warmed us up with some Side-straddle hops, Alternating Toe Touches, Windmills, Humpies and Arm Circles(for and rev). All were 15ic

Udderbutter led us to the balcony for some Merkin madness.

  • 20 Merkins, run up the stairs, Bearcrawl across the balcony
  • 20 Diamond Merkins, run up the stairs, Lungewalk across the balcony
  • 20 Carolina Drydocks, run up the stairs, Crabwalk across the balcony with a pause for some Ropeclimbs

UB then led us to the wall for some Muhammad Ali’s, Joe Frazier’s, Ken Norton’s, and…Patty-cake. Total wall sit was 40ic. Next we got in the Australian Mt. Climber position and walked the length of the wall. Finishing up with 20 Catcher Squats in cadence.

Banjo led a AMRAP block workout with partners. Overhead press, Curls for the Girls, Bench, Tricep extensions, Upright rows, and Cattle bell swings. While partner 1 was performing the execise, 2 was running mid way down the parking lot to do 5 burpees.

Indian run back to the flag for 5 minutes of Mary. Dolly’s,  six inches,  Rosalita’s, six inches, LBC’s, RBC’s and Freddy Mercury’s.

Twig completed the workout with the COT: Colossians  3:23

“23 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,”

As you are leading you household, working for your boss, loving your spouse, etc. Do it to the Lord.

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