QIC:  Powder

There has been some mumble chatter among PAX about how many Burpees we some times do so YHC thought what is just as bad but not a Burpee. That is when YHC remembered Squints and those awful Creepy Crawlies. Monday night while writing the winkie out YHC didn’t know exactly what we were doing but there were going to be Creepy Crawlies and no Burpees.

The plan was for partners to grab rocks beside the RR tracks but then YHC remembered that the trunk of my personal Clown Car still had 10 bricks in it from months ago (being generous, could be a year). This brought up bad memories of when YHC took Cuz (yes he can fit in YHC’s car) to pick up bricks for ER and YHC didn’t count correctly and was way short. This caused lots of ridicule at ER that faithful morning, might be why they were still in the trunk. That is why when only 11 men showed up this cool morning it was perfect.

Warm Up-

Plank Jacks, ATT, Mtn Climbers, Jane Fonda ( All IC X15), 1 min low plank

Partner up and grab a set of bricks. Mosey to parking lot with hill on 1st St NE.

The Thang-

P1- AMRAP of exercises w/ bricks (Curls, WWII Situps, Overhead Press, American Hammer) Do one exercise while P2…

P2- Run to bottom of hill and do 15 Imperial Squats OYO

Circle up once everybody did all 4 exercises for: Jack Webbs to 7 & 1 min low plank.

P1- AMRAP of exercises w/ bricks (Lunges, V-ups, Squats, LBCs) Each exercise while P2

P2- Run to bottom of hill and do 10 Creepy Crawlies

Circle up once everybody did all 4 exercises for: Jack Webbs to 7 & 1 min low plank.

Start to mosey back to Flag but stopped to do calf raises on steps of parking lot. Got back to the Flag with exactly enough time to do 1 min low plank, to finish out the morning.



Mark 4: 35-41 Jesus Calms the Storm



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