QIC:  Wile E

All I can say is Brrrrrrr. Below freezing at a workout for the first time this year so we had to keep the body moving.. It was a random day and fun AND we had 13 PAX including a FNG! Here we go…


SSH, Finkle Swings, High knees, Butt kickers, LAC forward and reverse Β all 10x IC

Mosey to bottom of stadium bleachers
Box Jump each step and 5x incline merkins each step as you go up
crawl back down doing 5x Derkins on each step back down

Slowsy to track for a little Red Light, Green Light fun together
First Lap each time I yelled red light we did Burpees 1, then 2, then 3 and so on til 5
Second Lap each time I yelled red light we did LBFCs 1, then 2, then 3 and so on til 10

Mosey to Blocks
Squats, Bend over Rows, Bench Press, Skull Crusher 10x IC
Walk to brick wall and get in chair position passing 2 blocks down the line to each PAX and then back and forth til I felt like it was a long enough sit
Back to blocks for More Squats, Bent over rows and then a little extra credit bench press
Put blocks away

Mosey to Tennis courts for some guest appearances
8-way lead some Butt Bridges and Pickle pounders
Grout lead some Supermans and Plank arm leg lift things (insert name here) I’m clueless
Howling Monkeys for the drivers passing by

Hold 6 inches for 1 min
Hold Plank for 1 min
Guest appearance from Babyface for the FALCON (Freddie mercuries, American Hammers, LBCs, Crunchy Frogs, Obliques and kNee lifts all IC 15x each
And last but not least some Suicide Runs from court to court

Slowsy back to AO for COT/WOD
Romans 6:11-12 So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus. Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body to make you obey it’s passions/lusts.

Proverbs 13:20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise but the company of fools will suffer harm/be destroyed.

Be men of integrity. If you have a second thought something you’re doing is wrong, immediately take it to God in prayer. Pray for complete awareness to the sins we might struggle with and combat them with the awesome power and courage God gives each of us.


I saw some red faces on tennis courts when 8-way started the sexercises.

In case you didn’t know I like children’s games.. more to come in my workouts.

Good Day with some of the best men I know.

Thats a wrap.
Wile E out.


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