QIC:  Tooth Fairy

I hate thinking of titles for these things.  It was a workout, not a short story.  It went, a little something, ‘like this.

  • SSH
  • ATT
  • Humpy
  • Hi Knee
  • Butt Kick
  • Jump Rope
  • Jabs
  • Uppercuts
    • (above IC, x15, rapid succession)
  • Mosey to Corinth wall
  • Irkins x10, IC, slow count
  • Step Ups x10 each leg, oyo
  • Derkins x10, IC, slow
  • Step Ups x10, each leg, oyo
  • TriDips x10, IC, slow
  • StepUps x10, each leg, oyo
  • Mosey to 4-way stop
    • Lunges at bottom, Burpees at top
      • 5/5, then 6/6, 7/7 … up to 10/10
  • Mosey to SLMC playground
  • Groups of 3, one person do 3 chin-ups while others do squats
    • 5 cycles for each person (15 chin-ups)
  • Calf raises, x15, IC, each leg
  • Mary
    • Flutter Kick
    • American Hammer
    • Mtn Climbers
    • RBC
    • Plank
    • Plank Jack
      • above IC, x15
  • Monkey Humpers until time up (~30 seconds)

Announcements, Countoff, Name-o-rama

WOD–read excerpt from My Utmost for His Highest, discussed Isaiah being in right spiritual condition to hear and freely respond to God’s call, which was general and not specifically directed to Isaiah.

Great job, guys.



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