QIC:  Beaker

Fall is in the air and so are the temps.  A beautiful morning greeted us at Expresso this morning where the old temp dial said 50!  The long sleeve shirt made it’s debut for Smalls and Phlegm.  Say a prayer for our brother Powder as the cold kept him in his bed today.  Hopefully he finds the winter gear bin in his basement and posts tomorrow.  Enough of that…here was our morning:


15 SSH IC followed by 5 Burpees

15 Humpy’s IC followed by 5 Burpees

15 IST IC followed by 5 Burpees

15 ATT IC followed by 5 Burpees

15 Forward Arm Circles followed by 5 Burpees

15 Reverse Arm Circles followed by 5 Burpees

Partner Up

1 Partner Hug

20 Partner Derkins OYO

10 Burpees Cumulative w/ Partner (Cuz and I get extra credit as we did 11)

Mosey to courtyard circle

15 Slow Squats IC

Find a beam – 50 Pull-ups Cumulative w/ Partner

16 Step-ups IC

Mosey to the Great Tree in the Pumpkin Patch (no pumpkins yet)

15 Monkey Humpers IC

Mosey to bank teller line for some curb zig zags

20 Calf Raises OYO

Mosey to block pile

Mosey to bottom of hill behind Corinth

5 Round of Hill Runs + 5 Block Burpees – Partner 1 runs up hill with block and does 5 block burpees while partner two does squats.  Flap jack.  Rinse and repeat for five laps

Mosey to Flamers Tunnel of Love

2 Rounds of Wall Sits with blocks – everyone gets in sitting position.  Partner 1 performs the exercise then hands to Partner 2 so he can do same.  First round was 15 Overhead Presses and second round was 20 Arm Curls

Mosey to block pile to return blocks

Mosey to flag

10 Burpees OYO (makes 70 for the day!)

COT / Name-o-rama / Announcements / WOD – Phil. 2:3-4 – “Put others before yourself Cousin Eddie”

Always, always a pleasure to serve the men of F3 Hickory.  Peace out!




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