QIC:  Twin

YHC has been sick all week. I’ve missed every work out this week. However, when you are the Q you have an obligation……So with that, I lead the PAX in an effort to get better!


  • SSH
  • Mountain Climbe
  • Abe Vigodas
  • ATT
  • High Knees

Mosey to middle parking lot

Dirty McDeuce

An OBT favorite, we complete 4 exercises to 12(IC). Then run a lap and do another set. I made the guys bear crawl up a hill then run a lap. The sets are as follows……not sure I’ve typed them in the correct order. Forgive me.

1st set

  • Carolina Dry Docks
  • Little Arm Circles
  • American Hammers
  • Squat Jumps

2nd Set

  • Werkin
  • Reverse Little Arm Circles
  • Lunge
  • Goofballs

3rd Set

  • Plank Jacks
  • Frankenstein’s
  • Butt-Kickers
  • X-Factor

Mosey up the massive hill to the middle School

Deck of Doom

You men know the drill. Each PAX stepped up to the card table where they drew 4 cards. Then they called the exercise based off the suites below. Its 104 of each exercise!

  • Club – Squat
  • Spade – LBC
  • Diamond – Star Jumps
  • Heart — Burpee/Merkins

Mosey back to the AO for the COT.


We talked about the creation story again. We give Eve a lot of crap over eating the forbidden fruit. However, I wanted to challenge the men in 2 area’s.

  1. Where was Adam
  2. Why did he allow Eve to tempt him to sin

Since the Dawn of creation, we’ve allowed women to lead. God called and equipped men to lead. I challenged the men to be present at home. Be a present in your wife and kids lives. And I also challenged them to LEAD. DO NOT LET YOU WIFE be the spiritual leader of your household Men. MAN UP!


  • I am a firm believer of the 1st rule of Q school. “If you can’t Q it, don’t do it.” During the DD we started with Burpees and YHC was about to die. So I changed it to Merkins halfway through. The PAX Appreciated it
  • Bismark is a man’s man. He ran with the card table back to the AO. That mug is heavy.
  • Friar and Grout got in a solid pre-run, before the pain. Props to them.
  • No selfie…..No Breaks……..maybe that is why no one comes to my Q’s?!?!?!?
  • Only 1 #TWSS for the day…..but it was a good one!





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