QIC:  Jordache

First off, is there anything worse than being reminded that you have the Q for the ‘toughest workout’ in the HKY immediately following your arrival home from vacation? The answer is YES! This would be posting to a workout Q-ed by someone who just came back from vacay! In YHC’s case, I found myself battling the feelings of “You’d better bring it on Monday!” or “You’re going to pay eating this much come Monday!” all while sipping on some hops, oceanside. So, I would like to 1/2 heartedly apologize if I overcompensated just a bit. The other half of YHC’s heart figured that I/we deserved it.

The Warmup:
SSH – 15IC
Humpy’s – 15IC

The Pain:
2 Laps of the Old ER Modified – substitute 10 Burpees at each workout point

  • 25 LBC’s & American Hammers while waiting on the 6
  • Mosey to the bottom of Hospital Hill & Cemetery Hill
  • By this point, you should have completed 100 Burpees (50 per lap)

The Pain Extended:  3 Times a Lady 
After recently partaking in Sooners repeats up Cemetery Hill, YHC thought it may be fun to work in all 3 neighboring hills. So starting with Cemetery Hill, and rotating counter-clockwise between hills, we ran up to the stoplight and kicked off our BLIMPS with 20 Burpees (Seal Burpees). Once complete, run back to the bottom and knock out 5 more regular Burpees. Confused? Heres how it went:

Run up Cemetery Hill: 20 Burpees (Seal)                                           Burpee Count: 120
Run down Cemetery Hill: 5 Burpees                                                                               125
Run up No Name Hill to the Left: 20 Lunges (Single Count)
Run down No Name Hill: 5 Burpees                                                                                130
Run up Hospital Hill: 20 Imperial Storm Troopers (Single Count)
Run down Hospital Hill: 5 Burpees                                                                                  135
Run up Cemetery Hill: 20 Merkins (Hand Release)

Unfortunately, we lost the battle with time, and were cheated out of our additional 15 Burpees which would have landed us at 150. I guess that means next time well have to run just a bit faster!

1 Peter 1:7 – So that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even thought tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

May we life lives that prove our faith in Christ and in turn bring praise and honor to the Jesus. Take some time throughout your week to examine your heart and ask the Spirit of God to reveal ways that your live does in fact prove this and for ways that it doesn’t.


  • In the F3 world, is it considered a compliment if a pax member sighs when they find out your the Q?
  • YHC made a complete ASS of myself when I couldn’t find my phone and accused a passerby of taking it. Long-embarrassing-guilt ridden story…
  • Time management is obviously a weakness of mine seeing as to how we ran out.
  • To piggy back off of the first thought, is it considered a compliment if the pax don’t compliment a Q? (I like to think so!)



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