QIC:  Udder Butter

YHC recently read about a Plank special 9 inning workout and couldn’t resist rolling it out at 300 this past Saturday.  If you didn’t get  the chance to read Plank’s back blast or maybe you forgot how it works let me spell it out for you .

  • Play on a ball field preferably
  • You need 4 bases or theoretical bases
  • Choose a movement between bases (sprint, lunge, bearcrawl; you get the picture)
  • Designate exercises at each base
  • Randomely or designate # of reps per exercise per base

Now that you know the ground rules, here is what we did;

SSH x 10
Humpys x 10
Windmills x 10

Mosey to blocks – get 1 each

Mosey to softball field- drop blocks off behind second and mosey behind home plate


Sprint – from home to 1st
Lunge walk- 1st to 2nd
Kareokee- to 3rd
Bear crawl- home

Inning 1-squats at first, mt climbers at 2nd, merkins at 3rd
Inning 2-Low Country Crabs at first, High to Low Planks at 2nd, merkins at 3rd
I3- American Hammers, monkey Humpers, merkins
I4-Peter parkers, block curls, dry docks
I5-Parker Peters, block bench presses, dips (in dugout)
I6-Plank-Over head legs, Block OH presses, Freddie Mercuries
I7-knee lifts, burpees, LBCs
I8-plank jacks, burpees, rope climbs
I9-line jumps, burpees, flutter kicks

Mosey to put blocks back

Mosey to wall:

Australian wall walk
Low country wall walk (legs up from Crab and back down- 4 ct)
Pretzel R x 10 IC
Pretzel L x 10 IC
Reverse flutter x 10 IC

Supermans (on Q’s count)


Matthew 5:14-16

14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

From Capernaum while giving this message, Jesus could have pointed to the ancient city of Susita  which had  a pagan temple high on the hill which would have had bright lights at night, when referencing a “City on a Hill”. Are we to be that kind of light to the world or show the love and forgiveness of Christ. We are always a witness, but what kind a witness do you choose to be? And will you hide it or let the world see it?

Prayers:  pray for Paula Deen who lost too much in the big Granite mill fire. And the others that we don’t know (360 storage units there and few businesses). Prayer of thanks for the firemen who were safe.

Always a pleasure to lead the men of GF.  Good to have visitor Heafty too.




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