QIC:  Kapowski

Since Arrow visited with our newest Wednesday AO last week, OG at Jaycee Park, YHC felt it was appropriate to check in on a few more this week.  Here is how it went:

  •  Leave our Wednesday AO at Corinth and take a left to quickly check in on our Thursday AO of Expresso at St. Luke’s.  Haven’t even broken a sweat at this point.
  • Head up 127 for a little over a mile and take a right on 28th to check in on our Saturday AO, Whipping Stick.  YHC felt is especially appropriate to check in on this AO as a friendly reminder to many of the Pax that we have a Saturday AO at Northview Middle.  Circle the parking lot and head back 28th the way we came.  1.7 miles at this point
  • Head back 28th to the 4 way stop, take a left and another quick left on 26th.  At the bottom of the hill take the right and start heading up, for what seems like a really long time.  Take this past Hampton Heights and left at the stoplight.  A few tenths of a mile and what do you know, our RAM Friday AO is on our right.  Looks good, take a quick right and run through LRU by the gym.  4.4 miles at this point
  • Take a quick right and snake our way back to 127 and head back to Corinth.  Total just a hair over 6 miles.

Announcements and Prayer Requests:

  •  HBC’s Uncle Pat who is 85 was recently diagnosed with an incurable protein disease.  Pray for him and his family.


  •  1 Corinthians 10:13  “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind.  And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear.  But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”


  •  YHC was originally hoping to visit all AOs except OG that was visited last week, but just couldn’t quite make it happen from a mileage standpoint.  Maybe we’ll visit ER and Howitzer some other day.
  • Herniator and Thunderdome are really fast, but we already knew that.
  • Stonewall was concerned that 5.9 didn’t quite make the threshold of 6.  Turns out we got there.
  • While none of us are happy that Squince lost his glasses (fell out of his pocket while running), you have the see the irony in the situation that the optometrist loses his glasses.  Fairly certain he’s already gotten his replacement pair by now.
  • Always a pleasure to be with you men.



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