QIC:  Taz

It was so great to be back with my F3 brothers this morning. It’s been over two months since the torn meniscus took me out of commission and I’ve been itching to get back out there. So today was the day. It just so happened it was my turn to lead at Whipping Stick. With trouble getting good numbers on Saturdays in Hickory, I wondered if anyone would show up. Well, the PAX showed up big time. 13, that’s right, 13 showed up and got to it.

Here’s what we did:


SSH x20
ATT x15
Windmill x15
IST x15
Plank Jacks x15
High Knees x15
Butt Kicks x10

Mosey over to Mt Pisgah

Incline Merkins x10
Tri-cep Dips x10
Decline Merkins x10

Mosey over to New Hope

Partner Up
10 Pull-ups
10 Chin-ups
Partner 2 does squats while Partner 1 uses the bar. Do squats while waiting on the bar.

Mosey back to Northview

4 corners with partner
1st Corner – 50 Merkins
2nd Corner – 200 LBCs
3rd Corner – 200 Squats (was originally 300, but we called an audible)
4th Corner – 20 Burpees

4 Minutes of Mary
Flutterkicks x20
Freddie Mercuries x15
Dolly x15
Rosalita x10

COT – Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama, WOD, BOM

1 Timothy 1:6-8
For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 7 For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. 8 So do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner. Rather, join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God.


From the first moment, the mummblechatter was almost nonstop. It was pretty awesome. A less experienced Q would definitely have been in trouble. YHC just keep going knowing someone would eventually call out the count.

There was some talk about it being Jordache’s birthday or anniversary or something and everyone was wondering why he was already all wet when he arrived. Don’t ask, don’t tell I guess.

I think I heard Sooner catching some grief about posting on a Saturday. They said he just heard we might be playing ultimate. The true story is he wanted to make sure he posts on more Saturdays than Powder.

Someone said Patti Mayo does burpees so fast that he actually does two at a time. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone do them faster.

Welcome to F3 Nation, Laettner! (Chapel Hill fan) Hopefully the name won’t keep you from posting again.

I really enjoyed being back at Whipping Stick today. You guys rock. I’m so proud to be a part of this group. Thanks for allowing me to lead you this morning. I’m certainly better because of it.


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