QIC:  Cropduster

Wow!  It rained like crazy in parts of the F3Hickory region Monday late afternoon.  I was not sure I was going to make it home from work in one piece – but I did.  Then about 7pm I headed back out to the Granite Falls #SoCal AO for our 8pm start time.  The rain had mostly stopped.  As I was running around the AO and going through the workout in my mind I saw a rainbow to the East.  From my vantage point it looked like it touched down exactly where we start our SoCal workout.  Must be a sign!

5 other PAX were waiting for The Cropduster when he rolled up to The Square in Granite Falls.


  • SSH
  • IST
  • Peter Parkers
  • Windmills
  • Shoulder Tap Planks

Mosey to the Blockpile:

  • Pick up a CMU and Cusak it to First Methodist Church – watching out for traffic on Main Street and huge mud puddles that weren’t muddy at all

At First Methodist Church (backside):

  • Bench Press with CMU
  • Curlz for the Girls
  • Mosey to Front of Church
  • Freddie Mercuries
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Mosey to Back of Church
  • Donkey Kicks on CMUs
  • OH Press
  • Bent over Rows
  • Block Holds (hold block out in front of you)
  • Mosey to Front of Church
  • DCR
  • Dollies
  • Mosey to Back of Church
  • Jump Overs (jump over CMU)
  • Clean and Jerk
  • Squats to Press
  • Sit Ups (with feet in the holes of CMU)
  • Mosey to Front of Church
  • Mosey to Back of Church
  • Wall Sits with OH Claps
  • Wall Sits (left leg over right) with Muhammed Ali’s
  • Wall Sits (Right leg over left) with Joe Frasiers
  • Mosey to Back of Church
  • Bench Press
  • Curlz
  • Merkins
  • Block Burpees #crowdpleezer
  • Donkey Kicks
  • OH Press
  • Rows
  • Block Hold
  • Jump Overs
  • Squat to Press
  • Sit Ups

Carry Block back to their Home

Mosey to AO

Naked Moleskin:  The cooler temps were a welcome relief after the storm – as was the beautiful rainbow.  Thank you God for that!  YHC really enjoys the SoCal workout – the mood just feels lighter for an evening workout.  Like UB said – “digestion is a problem” – true that!  The guys all worked hard, sweated a bit, bonded closer as friends and generally got better.  It was a good evening!

Count Off

Name-O-Rama (Come on Guys – Birth Name – F3Nickname – Age)!!!!

COT:  Cropduster read from Mark Chapter 8 where Jesus asked his disciples – “What about you, who do you say I am?”  Peter answered that Jesus was the Messiah.  We talked about this a bit then I challenged the PAX to imagine Jesus asking them this question over the course of the week.  How would they respond?  How would they live their life based on their answer?

Prayer Requests:

  • UB – just got back from a mission trip to Red Springs NC – he asked that the work they did there would yield fruit.
  • Castaway – their daughter is pregnant and he asked for prayers of guidance protection for the family
  • Banjo – has a good friend whose grandfather passed away.  His friend is going through a difficulty in his marriage as well.  In addition, his friend’s brother is atheist.
  • 2-Stroke – he has two families on his heart who are going through times of challenge

We prayed.

Cropduster out!



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