QIC:  Patti Mayo

YHC would like to express his joy when he rolled into the parking lot at Whipping Stick this morning to see 5 pax rip roaring and ready to go!! Love to see the numbers and hope that we continue to keep Whipping Stick alive!

Warm up:


ATT- 15 IC

Humpys- 15 IC

The Thang:

Took off from parking lot and jogged down to the bottom of the hill, to the bridge, turned around and came back up to the parking lot. Lots of mumble chatter on the way down the hill….not so much on the way back up!

Back at the parking lot for a 10 count. After 10 count we started ladders of 1 burpee and 10 squats. Start at the top of the hill, do one burpee, run down hill, across football field up bleachers and down to do 10 squats. Rinse and repeat until you hit 10 burpees and 1 squat. After that….we had a 12.5 count!

Next was an ab routine that still needs a name that YHC picked up from the F3 Asheville pax. Basically you do four sets of 3 count abs to 10 with your legs starting from on the ground and ending up straight up Β in the air. After you get through 4th set, you repeat on the way down alternating opposite elbow until you hit four more set of 10 and your legs end up back where you started. Kind of confusing but lots of suck!!

lastly we partnered up for 3 stations of 5 mins each. Stations were walking log squats, tire flips, and log chain carry. Partner one takes/flips object to the cone, runs to end of parking lot, comes back to object and carries/flips back to partner who is all the while doing flutter kicks third round, LBC’s second round, and we did merkins for the first round, which seemed like a good idea but it turned into ACTOM!! Which sands for A Crap Ton Of Merkins. (C’mon people this is lexicon Gold here!!!) After three rounds of each pair getting to each station we were done.


Scripture came from Matthew 6 25-27 where it talks about worry and how we should give it all to God and let it go….as hard as that may be!

Patti Out


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